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Rahu Transit 2013

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2013 Rahu Transit

Rahu, in astrology is believed to be a node. It doesn't have a particular shape or size like all other planets, but still it has a significant impact. It has a deep influence on human lives and it presides over one's quality like ego, anger, mentality, lust and liquor habits. It also generally influences one's negative tendencies like robbery and all other wrong deeds. If Rahu is malefic in native's horoscope it gives adverse results.

Transit is the current position of the planets in your birth chart. The positions of the planets are seriously involved in the character and personality formation of a person. Not only is this but the happenings of a person's life also determined by the positions of the planets. Rahu transit is going to be in Libra in 2013 and will be affecting all the signs with its negative and positive effects. As Rahu along with Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter are the slowest moving planet it has strong effects on all the moon signs. It is the predicted report by a group of specialized astrologers that describes all the upcoming event of your life. Being aware of everything in advance is the attribute of the smart one. So, be the smart one and go through this analyzed report to be aware of your reaching life.

Aries Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Aries

For Aries the Rahu is situated in 7th house. You will be giving all your efforts to get best results, but the problem is that the time is not going to support you. It doesn't matter what all you do to cope up with your colleagues and work partners, everything will go in total vain. You might not grow rapidly, but growing steadily is also not bad in such a bad time. Dealing situations with short temper will do nothing good to you. You might face some financial loss suddenly. It is necessary for you to not to listen to your heart and go with your mind wherever risk is involved. If you can then it is better to avoid risky situations completely.

Taurus Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Taurus

The position of Rahu in Taurus is the 6th house. You are going to use this time very intelligently. This time period will be good for you. If you will put your efforts with whole heartedness then this time will turn out to be the best. Little ailments might disturb you time to time. Financially it is going to be an excellent time. You will be earning from many sources and will also be able to make huge investment. You are being blessed with an art of balancing your domestic and professional life beautifully. You might have to wait for some time for your success but be patient as you are sure to be successful. You will win almost all the competition that you participate will make you quite popular.

Gemini Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Gemini

Rahu is situated in the 5th house in Gemini. Situations like sudden loss of money, disputes at work place and disturbed health are predicted. It is definitely not a good time to get involved in risky matters. You might lose some great amount of money just due to any wrong decision taken by you. Therefore, deeply analyze all the situations before taking any decision and enacting on it. You need to have a look on your diet as you might suffer from food poisoning and stomach ache. Your work and hard work will not be noticed during this time period. Earning will be low and moreover you won't be given credits too.

Cancer Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Cancer

The position of Rahu in Cancer is the 4th house. A period of difficulties is arriving. You are required to take care of your health as well as your attitude towards life. You might lose confidence in you and will start dealing with life from other's perspective. It is not favorable for you to commence any new project as it will not turn into your favor. You should learn to have faith in you. Otherwise you will drag yourself in unnecessary fights with your friends that will trouble you later. This period might end up with some road accident of your. Problems like cough, cold, asthma and rheumatic pains will keep on disturbing you all through.

Leo Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Leo

Rahu for Leo is in the 3rd house. Stability is the thing that you can expect from this time period. As you will be doing very well at your workplace you might be awarded with a promotion. And if you are a businessman then an expansion of business to greater heights can be seen. You will be supported by the people in power. You are courageous and the 1st choice of everyone when it comes to responsibilities. Many responsibilities will be assigned to you at your home and office that you will carry forward successfully. The time is asking you to be alert as you might meet a person who is perfectly compatible with you regarding work. Your siblings might face some problems but your relationship with them is going to be very great.

Virgo Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Virgo

Rahu in Virgo is situated in the 2nd house. An average time period is predicted for you people. Though if you attempt to make some drastic change in your life then it might turn to very bad phase of your life. Therefore, you are advised to avoid any change in your daily life routine and also do not commence any kind of new work. Be on the safer side and let your life go the way it was going. For some time you won't be able to grow. Your doubts and insecurities regarding family and loved ones will not let you enjoy even some moments of your life. You might also lose some source of income due to which you will stay disturbed.

Libra Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Libra

1st is the house where Rahu is situated in Libra. You need to be very attentive during this time period as it has got nothing special to offer you. You have to look out for the smaller opportunities and make the best out of it. Your enemies might trouble you and there are also chances of getting involved into some legal issues. If you desire some long term benefits then you should forget about it for now. There wouldn't be any change in your outlook and you will remain the same as you were before. It will be good for you to start up with the work that has been kept on hold by you long ago. Special people related to you such as your beloved might also face some problems. Your relationship with the opposite sex doesn't seem to be very favorable.

Scorpio Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Scorpio

The Position for the Rahu in Scorpio is the 12th house. It is not an appreciable time for you anyhow. You will be disappointed in almost all the things that you will do. The bad part is that even people who you trust a lot can disappoint you to some extent. All these negative things will be affecting your mind badly. You will remain disturbed and your mental anxiety won't let you peacefully. As the time is not good, avoid investing money at the places that involves risk. Expecting anything from your family and freeing will result in further disappointments. Any close friend of yours might also betray or back stab you. Travelling might disturb your and your family's health. Better avoid it.

Sagittarius Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Sagittarius

In Sagittarius, 11th is the house where Rahu is placed. You will be very impressive during this period. You are not only going to impress your family but people at your workplace, and your beloved will also be highly impressed by you. Leaving behind your attitude of carelessness you will move ahead to transform yourself. You are going rise at your professional level. And, will experience immense pleasure in your love life. You are destined to win all the battles of your life during this time. Your enemies will lose their confidence in front of you. It is required for you to take care of your family and your health. All your relationships will remain good as always, but you might face some difficulties while dealing with your children.

Capricorn Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Capricorn

Rahu is posited in the 10th house in Capricorn. Apart from some minor health issue, this time period is here to gift you ultimate success in almost everything. You are going to impress your seniors with your work and dedication. It is time to grab as many stars as you can to keep in your pocket. You will be reaching new heights in your career and the plus point is that everything will happen on the correct time. You will be smart enough to balance your personal and professional life. This balance will keep you away from any sort of dispute at home and at work place. Your business partners will benefit you. You will be successful in exploring new sources of earnings and you are going to expand your circle. The only thing due to which you might disturb your peace of mind is your health. So take care of your health.

Aquarius Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Aquarius

The Position of Rahu for Aquarius is the 9th house. This period of your life will be balanced in all spheres. You will be facing equal ups and downs. When you will be able to maintain harmony at your home then there might be some clashes with your relatives. Your mind will stay focused at your goals and due to this you are going to put your 100% endeavor to achieve those goals. There are some chances that you will be over ruled by your ego. In such case you will invite defame in your favor. Treat people with decency and affection. This is the only way of avoiding increment in the number of enemies.

Pisces Rahu Transit 2013

2013 Rahu Transit for Pisces

Rahu is situated in the 8th house for Pisces. It is going to be a difficult time for you people. Surely, it is not a perfect time to be aggressive. Hold your decisions of making investments and avoid taking any kind of risks in your professional and personal life as well. Yes, you are going to face many obstacles but progress is also predicted. Keep going on and try to give your best at your workplace which will provide you good results. Being ignorant towards your health might be very harmful. Health is not being shown very good in your cards. Maintain harmony and positive attitude towards life. Things will fall in place some day. You will be overburdened with work in your office that will lead to stressful routine. Keep on work diligently to taste the flavor of success.

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Planetary Transit 2013

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