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Home » 2013 » Commodity Market 2013Published: December 26, 2012

Commodity Market 2013

Commodity Market 2013 is going to affect your market

Commodity market 2013 predictions is an exceptional way of knowing about the up and down going prices of different commodities. The commodities don’t have fixed prices and it becomes vital for everyone to keep themselves updated with the latest price of the market. Here with predictions of commodity market for 2013 you will get to know in advance that when the price of certain commodity will go up and down. The report of Commodity market horoscope for 2013 includes almost all the commodities such as gold, silver, sugar, jaggery and so on. These predictions about commodity market will be very beneficial when it comes to business or domestic purpose. If you are involved in buying and selling of any of these commodities then it is one golden opportunity for you which enables you to be aware of the movement of the market beforehand. The 2013 commodity market horoscope has been prepared by one of best astrologers due to which they are highly accurate.

The predictions of the prices of different commodities in the commodity market:

1. Gold – Silver Bullion Market Predictions:

In the beginning of the January month of the year, market will have to face a weak time. On the other hand, bullion market on 6th January will touch the heights. However, this good time will not run longer. From 14th of January, a downfall in the Gold – Silver market will be seen again. This low time will run till 26th. From 27th of January, bullion market will catch up the speed again. However, this speed will be momentary. From 4th of February, market will again go down and with bidirectional inclination it will keep on falling. From 13th February, there are chances of hike in market with bidirectional inclination. This speed will continue till 27th of February with bidirectional inclination. Market will suffer a downfall again from 27th of February. With bidirectional inclination, the downfall will continue in the beginning of March too. From 5th, the bullion market will catch up the speed again. From March, speed of market will gear up. From 2nd April, market will go through a one sided speed catch up. Gold will rise from 14th of April. Rise in bullion market will run till the end of April. From 28th, Silver will take a high jump. From 5th of May, downfall might be seen to some extent. This downfall will continue till 14th. Speed of downfall will slow down from 14th. From 30th May, there will be an environment of hike again in market. This rise will keep on running throughout entire month of June with bidirectional inclination. There are special chances of rise from 17th of June, which will run till the end of the month. There will be a rise in speed from 12th of July, but from 18th July market will again go down. This period of bullion market going down will run till 12th. Silver will rise again from 12th of August. Entire bullion market will experience a one directional rise in Silver from 16th of August, but a downfall is expected from 25th of August. Rise in Gold will continue. There will be unidirectional inclination of Gold and Silver from 1st of September in bullion market. Price of Gold will rise from 16th of September, but Silver will become low a bit. Market will see some downfall with bidirectional inclination from 1st of October, but bullion market will again rise from 7th of October. There will be a special rise in Gold. Gold will shine extraordinarily from 17th of October and there will be a unidirectional rise till 17th of November. There could be a downfall in speed on 18th of November, but the speed of going up will continue in the entire month of November. Rise in Gold will continue in the month of December. Silver will also keep on rising. There is a profit in buying all fallen shares.

2. Oil – Oilseed Market Predictions:

In the beginning of the month, there will be a rise in oil and oilseed market with bidirectional inclination. This rise will be ceased to some extent from 26th of January, but then again the speed of going up will be continued. Market will face downfall from 2nd of January and this downfall will keep on going till 12th of February. There will be an environment of market going up from 13th of February, which will keep on running till 11th of March. Downfall will again hold the market from 11th of March and rise will again start from 19th of March. With bidirectional inclination, there will be a rise in market after 3rd of April. There will not be any considerable up and down in market in the month of May, but there will be an environment of rise in market from 15th of May, which will run till 5th of June. After that, downfall will suck the market till 14th of June. Again the rise will be seen with bidirectional inclination from 16th of June, which will remain same till the end of the month. Market will again go down from 14th of July and this will run till 27th of July. Market will be in hold of downfall from 20th August. It will again continue from 22nd August. Again the rise will be seen from 21st to 27th of August. But again market will stay constant with bidirectional inclination. Downfall running from the last month will continue in September too. More downfall will be seen from 21st of September, which will be visible till the end of the month. The period of market going down running from the last month will stay till the 10th of October. After that, rise will be seen again from 21st of October. Downfall will come again from 23rd of October, which will seem to be falling more. Environment of market going down running from the last month will also be seen in November. With bidirectional inclination, there will be ups and downs in the market. Rise will be seen again in the market from December, which will stay constant till the end of the month. Throughout the month end, environment of ups and downs will run in speed.

3. Sugar – Jaggery Market Predictions:

Rise in the market of sugar and Jaggery will be seen from the beginning of the month, which will catch more speed from 13th of January. This rise continuing from January will catch more speed from 7th of February. Throughout the entire month of February there will be an environment of rise in market. This speed coming from February will stay constant in March too with bidirectional inclination. In March, the market will be in speed with some bidirectional ups and downs. Market will face some downfall from 1st of April, which will stay the same till the end of the month. Market will rise again from 2nd of May, which will stay the same till 14th of May. Downfall will be seen from 17th of May with bidirectional facet and this downfall will rise more from 22nd May. The time of downfall coming from last month May will stay constant in June too with bidirectional inclination. No rise will be seen in the month of June. Some rise will be seen in the market from 16th of July. An extreme rise in the market will be seen till 27th of July. This rise will keep going till 11th of August. After that, a wave of downfall will come from 12th of August, which will keep on holding the market till the end of the month. Downfall running from the month of August will continue in September too. This time of downfall will be seen throughout the whole month. Market will rise again from 1st of October. This rise will stay in the market till 17th of October. Market will again go down from 18th of October. This downfall will be seen till 16th of November. A good hike in the market of Jaggery and sugar will be seen from 17th of November. Rise in market will rise more from the 1st of December. Throughout the entire month of December this rise will go on with bidirectional ups and downs.

4. Cotton Market Predictions:

Cotton market will show a hike from the month of January only. From 4th of January, market will be in hold of downfall. A good rise in the market will be seen from 13th of January. This rise will stay till the end of the month. A considerable rise will be seen from 16th of January to 30th January. Rise from the month of January will continue till the month of February. Symptoms of downfall will be seen in the market from 7th of February and downfall will start grasping the market slowly. Speed of downfall in the market will raise more from 13th of February. From 20th of February, market will stop going downwards and walk toward rise. This rise will be seen till 27th of February. Rise running from 27th of February will see some fall in the month of March. With a bidirectional up and down market will stay weak till 24th. After this, a little weakening of market will be seen from 19th of March. From 9th of April, market will head toward rise and this rise will stay constant till 24th of April. After this, downfall will be seen again from 26th of April. Downfall running from the month of April will end on 5th. A wave of rise will be seen from 7th of May. There will be a good rise in cotton and allied stuff. Market will be weakening from 8th of June. There will be an environment of downfall from 14th of June with bidirectional inclination. Again, a rise will be seen in cotton market from 25th of June. Next, market will be again broken down from 29th of June. From 7th of July, there will be a unidirectional rise in market. But, market will walk toward rise from 27th of July and it will keep on rising slowly. A strong downfall will be seen in market from 7th of August and this will continue till the end of the month August. Downfall running from last month will change to rise from 11th of September and this speed will accelerate with time. This acceleration will continue till 15th of October. Market will suffer through because of downfall form 15th of October, which will continue till the end of the month. Market will strengthen form 5th of November. Downfall will run from 2nd December to 25th of December. After that, rise will be seen.

5. Jute Market Predictions:

In the beginning of the year, Jute market will start from going downwards. But, a slow hike will be seen from 5th of January. This rise will change to a slow downfall from 12th of January. But, good hike in the market will be seen from 25th of January. From 4th of February, downfall will be seen from bidirectional inclination. Market will again move toward rise from 11th of February. This rise will be seen till 12th of March. After this, downfall will be seen again. This period of market going down will be seen till 10th of April. Again, an environment of rise will be seen in market from 15th of April and this rise will continue till 12th of May. From 16th of May, an environment of downfall will be created slowly with bidirectional facet, which will be seen till the end of the month. An environment of rise will be created in the market from 1st of June and grip of rise will become stronger in the market from 11th of June, which will stay same till the end of the month. This rise will fall down slowly from 1st of July. From 6th of July, downfall will be seen easily in the market. After this, continuous bidirectional ups and downs will be seen. The phase of downward going market running from last month will continue in August too. A rise in the market will be seen from 15th of August, which will continue till 14th of October. Market will fall from 15th October to 20th October. Rise in market will come again from 23rd of October. This rise will be instable. Market will again see the time of downfall from 5th of November, which will continue till 19th November with bidirectional ups and downs. Again, a rise will be seen in the market from 20th of November, which will again change to downfall from 8th December. This time of downfall with bidirectional inclination will continue till 11th of December. Market will again catch the speed from 19th of December.

6. Wheat, Bran, Gram, Rice, Corn, Millet, Sorghum and Other Allied Grain Market Predictions:

In the beginning of the month January, some rise in wheat, bran, rice, etc. will be seen. An environment of ups and downs with bidirectional inclination in the market will be seen from 21st of January. Some fall will be seen in the rice market from 25th of January. This fall will keep on holding the market till 5th of February. Market of wheat, corn and bran will become strong to some extent from 6th of February. This market will start shattering from 15th. Market will strengthen again from 5th of March and a rise in wheat, bran, gram, rice will be seen. This rise will be seen till 10th of April with bidirectional up and down. However, a rise in grain market will be seen after 10th May. On 20th May, market will again come in grip of downfall. Market will move toward rise from 15th June. But, a considerable rise will be seen in rice. Corn, bran, millet, sorghum will rise at good rate from 11th. Time of downfall will come from 5th of July. This downfall will be seen till the end of the month. Some rise will be seen in the market of wheat and rice from 5th of August. This rise will keep on roaming in the market with bidirectional facet till 20th. Market will fall from 25th. In the starting of the month September, wheat, bran, rice, corn will rise to some extent. A strong downfall in market will be seen from 8th of October, which will be seen throughout the entire October and November month. Facet of market will change from 10th of December and market will again jump to rise after fall. Environment of market going downwards will again stabilize from 25th of December. But, wheat, bran and gram will stay on height. Rise and fall’s bidirectional facet will continue till the end of the month.

7. Gram, Peas, Lentils and other Pulses Market Predictions:

Some hike will be seen in pulses market in the starting of the month January. This rise will convert to downfall with certain ups and downs. This downfall will be seen especially in Arhar, Gram, and Pea. Market will weaken down from 19th of January. Some betterment will be seen in the market from 8th of February. But, market will definitely fall down. However, green lentils and Urad will rise. From 17th March, a good rise in Arhar, Urad, Pea and Green Lentil will be seen. From 26th March market will again seem to be losing balance. From 14th April, market will come out of the hold of downfall. But, eclipse of downfall will overlap the market again from 26th of April. Market will catch some speed from 15th of May. Market will again come in hold of downfall from 25th of May. Some betterment will be seen from 17th. A good change will be seen in red lentils and Arahar. Market will again seem to be falling from 25th. Market will face toward rise from the month of August. Market will fall to some extent from 10th of August. With bidirectional ups and downs, market will be seen to be rising. More downfall will come from 27th. In the starting of the month September, chances of downward motion of market will increase. Market will slow down from 10th of August. Market will rise from 21st of September. A good rise will be seen in Arhar and red lentils. Market will again fall down from 25th of December. Pea, green lentils and Arahar will rise in October. Downfall will be seen from 14th. Arhar and Urad will rise from 26th of October. In the beginning of the month November, market will go through some unexpected ups and downs. This will become better from 16th of November. A good rise in pulse market will be seen from 12th of December. This duration of rise will continue till the end of the month with certain ups and downs.

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