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Home » 2013 » Ketu Transit 2013 Published: November 29, 2012

Ketu Transit 2013

Ketu transit in 2013 will be in Libra zodiac sign The planet Ketu represents ill deeds. According to Vedas, Ketu is the younger son of the daughter of Hiranyakashyap. Astrology considers it as the ninth planet. But it is considered as the shadowy planet. It is believed that the planet has a great impact on humans. Ketu is changing its place on 23rd December, 2012 and going from the sign Taurus to the sign Aries. Let us now read about its effect on various zodiacs:

Ketu 2013 Transit for Aries

Ketu is situated in your first house therefore; try to be good at behavior as well as socially. Do not engage yourself in useless work. The time period is not well for finance. Avoid being over confident. Friends will not keep their words. Avoid dependency on family and friends for finance. Be conscious about your dignity. Take care of your health and avoid unnecessary travels. In case of adversity apply a tilak of kesar. Offer jaggery to monkeys. Donate black and white blanket in the temple. Follow ‘Brahmacharya’ or tie silver or white thread on both of your leg’s thumb.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Taurus

Ketu in your second house will prevent extreme happiness coming to your way. You might find wrongful deeds interesting. Avoid taking wrong decisions and take advice of others. Perform each and every work with great amount of care; else you might have to face loss. Take care of your health as well. You might also develop an interest for occult science and will try to learn it. Always keep a dog with you in the situation of adversities. Worship lord Ganesha and try to maintain good character.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Gemini

Ketu will be situated in the laabh house for next 18 months. Situations will turn good with time. Some business deals will reap good profits. Chances for promotion are building. Strong chances are building for long journey. You will receive high fame and name. Friends will support you. Family life will be harmonious. In the situations of sadness drink kesar milk. Get a black dog and keep him with you. During night, keep radish at the head side of women while sleeping and donate it to the temple in the morning.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Cancer

Ketu is situated in the tenth house and this will make you more optimistic. Growth in business is seen and you will build contacts with important people. Situations at workplace will be better. Some new change is also seen. Figure out the difference between evil and good before initiating any task. Take care of your family life and matters. Deteriorating health of any of your relative will keep you mentally occupied. Maintain your dignity in any situation. Do not get your house constructed before 48 years of age. Fill a silver utensil with honey and keep it in your house.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Leo

Ketu is situated in your ninth house and this will give you immense fame and respect. You will be considered as a very respectful person. You can go for important journeys. You will come into contact with a person of higher authority. Your creativity will lead you to new heights. You will be inclined towards religion or you will think about the benefit of mankind. Family life will be joyous. Stay with your grandfather and father in the situation of adversity and care for them.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Virgo

Ketu will be situated in your eighth house for next 18 months. Therefore, it is necessary for you to take care of your health. Other matters will bring fruitful results. Chances are that you will receive a will. Your mind will be inclined towards religious works. Your dignity and fame will increase. Family environment will stay harmonious. You will get chances to travel. Wear gold in ears, pet a dog or donate black and white blanket in the temple in bad situations.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Libra

Ketu is situated in your seventh house for the next 18 months. You will receive mixed results in this duration. Marital life will be unsatisfactory to some extent. Time is also not suitable for love matters. Time is not favorable for financial matters as well. Avoid taking risks. Minor health issues will keep you occupied. Your social group will increase. You will successfully make all your tasks well organized. Take care of the words that you speak. And keep your words in every situation.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Scorpio

Ketu is situated in your sixth house. You will do well in business. You will succeed in competition. You will win over your rivals. If you are in service then the condition of job will improve. Your fame will increase. You will receive respect from all areas. The behavior of family members will be really good. Sudden journeys will be fruitful. Health will remain good. In case of any kind of adversity wear a gold ring in your left hand’s finger. Donate black and white blanket in the temple and drink kesar milk.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Sagittarius

Ketu is situated in your fifth house for the next eighteen months. You will try hand at multi tasking but will fail in every aspect. Do not work in haste. Curb your tendency of taking risks. Any family member’s health might stay low. You may also have to face problems related to stomach. Enemies will try to ruin your image. Try to avoid travelling. Apply tilak of kesar. Flow milk, rice, ‘desi khaand’ (brown sugar), ‘saunf’ in the river. Perform shraadha.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Capricorn

Ketu is situated in your fourth house. You will not be able to keep your thoughts clearly in front of others. You will stay depressed. Domestic life might stay tensed. Small issues might take a big form. Health of relatives will keep you occupied. Business will slow down. Working conditions will not stay very good. Take care of your health. However, you will be inclined towards religion and spirituality. You may also go to some religious place. In the situation of hardships wear silver. Flow yellow lemon in running water. Drink milk after dipping hot gold into it until the gold cools down. Keep a dog as pet.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Aquarius

For next 18 months Ketu is situated in your third house. You must try to work with intelligence. You will stay optimistic throughout. You will be benefited by receiving any news through a medium of communication. Journeys will be beneficial. Income will also increase. Chances are strong for promotion. Family life will stay good. Friends will increase. Inclination towards religion will increase. Wear gold in ears. Care for elders and old, keep kesar in mouth, and maintain good relations with siblings.

Ketu 2013 Transit for Pisces

Ketu is situated in the second house for the next 18 months in your sign. Have a control over your words otherwise mutual animosity might increase. Time is not good for financial matters as well. Family relations might not be harmonious. Your health will stay affected. You will experience lowered self confidence. Travelling will be fruitless. Do not start any new work in this phase. Visit a temple everyday during the phase of hardships. Maintain your dignity and apply kesar tilak on forehead.

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