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Home » 2013 » Muhurat » Gruh Pravesh Muhurat 2013 Published: December 21, 2012

Housewarming Muhurat 2013 : Gruh Pravesh Muhurat 2013

Housewarming Muhurat or Grah Pravesh Muhurat is the right time for housewarming ceremony Housewarming or Gruh Pravesh is one of the most important ceremonies in India. People consider Griha pravesh ceremony significant to invite all the positive vibes to their home. A ceremony for entering home to start living in it is mainly termed as Grah pravesh or house warming. Grah pravesh is more like a tradition in Hindu culture rather than being just a ceremony. Grah pravesh muhurat or housewarming Muhurat for 2013 is a way of finding the most appropriate date and time to start residing in new or renovated home. It is always advised by Vedic astrologers to carry out any valuable work only on an auspicious muhurat. Therefore, if you are planning to shift into a new home or re-shift in a renovated one, then go through the dates for Grih pravesh muhurat in 2013 for housewarming. It will not only eradicate the existing evil, (if any), but will also open the doors for positive vibes to come in without any hurdles. Grah Pravesh muhurat table for new home:

Date Tithi Day Special Comments
16 January Paush Shukla, 5 Wednesday Uttarabhadra
17 January Paush Shukla, 6 Thursday Uttara Bhadhra, Revati
18 January Paush Shukla, 7 Friday Saptami
23 January Paush Shukla, 12 Wednesday Dwadashi
24 January Paush Shukla, 13 Thursday Eindra Yoga
31 January Magh Krishna, 4 Thursday Panchami conjoining Uttara Phalguni
8 February Magh Krishna, 13 Friday Uttara Phalguni (Before Bhadhra)
6 May Vaishakh Krishna, 12 Monday After Vaidhriti Yog
11 May Vaishakh Shukla, 1 Sunday Rohini
13 May Vaishakh Shukla, 3 Monday Tritiya
20 May Vaishakh Shukla, 10 Monday Uttara Phalguni
13 July Ashadh Krishna, 5 Saturday Uttara Phalguni

Grih Pravesh muhurat for renovated home:

Date Tithi Day Special Comments
16 January Paush Shukla Wednesday Uttarabhadra
17 January Paush Shukla Thursday Ahoratra
18 January Paush Shukla Friday Saptami
23 January Paush Shukla Wednesday Ahoratra
24 January Paush Shukla Thursday Eindra yoga
31 January Magh Krishna Thursday Panchami conjoining Uttara Phalguni
1 February Magh Krishna Friday Chitra
2 February Magh Krishna Saturday Before Bhadhra
8 February Magh Krishna Friday Uttarashadha (Before Bhadhra)
11 February Magh Shukla Monday Dwitiya conjoining Shatabhisha
13 February Magh Shukla Wednesday Tritiya
14 February Magh Shukla Thursday Revati (After Bhadra)
20 February Magh Shukla Wednesday Mrigashira
23 February Magh Shukla Saturday Pushya
27 February Phalgun Krishna Wednesday Uttara Phalguni
1 March Phalgun Krishna Friday Panchami
2 March Phalgun Krishna Saturday Swati
4 March Phalgun Krishna Monday Saptami
7 March Phalgun Krishna Thursday Uttarashadha
8 March Phalgun Krishna Friday Uttarashadha
9 March Phalgun Krishna Saturday Dhanishtha (Before Bhadhra)
13 March Phalgun Shukla Wednesday Ahoratra
15 April Chaitra Shukla Monday Mrigashira
25 April Chaitra Shukla Friday After Bhadhra
27 April Vaishakh Krishna Saturday After Vyatipata
1 May Vaishakh Krishna Wednesday Uttarashadha apart from Bhadhra
4 May Vaishakh Krishna Saturday Before Bhadhra
6 May Vaishakh Shukla Monday After Vaidhriti Yoga
11 May Vaishakh Shukla Saturday Rohini
13 May Vaishakh Shukla Monday Tritiya
15 May Vaishakh Shukla Wednesday Pushya
16 May Vaishakh Shukla Thursday Pushya
20 May Vaishakh Shukla Monday Uttara Phalguni
22 May Vaishakh Shukla Wednesday Siddha Yoga
23 May Vaishakh Shukla Thursday Trayodashi (After Vyatipata)

The housewarming ceremony or Griha pravesh ceremony is in existence since ages. Some people also invite people to their home in the ceremony and celebrate the first day at their home with the people they love. The ceremony mainly includes worshipping the Almighty and a vastu shanti pooja is also performed. It is believed that any work done on the muhurat increases the value and significance of work by even more than 10 times. A home is the most beautiful place in the world and if even that place in inflicted by negativities then a mind can never be calm and composed. After a long and tiring day you can easily soothe your mind, soul and body with the soothing environment at home. By performing the rituals of Grah pravesh your home will get rid of all the negative vibes.

One more basic reason for the Grah pravesh pooja is to please all the Gods and Goddesses so that they bless the family with abundant happiness, health and prosperity. Not performing the Grah pravesh or house warming pooja according to the muhurat can draw some uninvited vibes or evil to home that can ruin the atmosphere of your home.

The muhurat of Grih pravesh 2013 can lead you in many ways. The worship done on that auspicious day will delight the Almighty and the malefic effects of the planets will also be removed eventually. This table of Grah pravesh muhurat will also help you in organizing your schedule. You can select the desired date that is suitable for you as well as the people you invite to the ceremony. Make your home the best place ever by starting residing in it on the most auspicious day.

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