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Home » 2013 » Muhurat » Annaprashan Muhurat in 2013 Published: December 21, 2012

Annaprashan Muhurat in 2013

annaprashan or baby feeding ceremony

Performing any important task or initiating a task in a specific Muhurat or auspicious time has always been important in India. A Muhurat is a pre determined auspicious time duration in which any task can be initiated and performed. Annaprashan or baby feeding Muhurat is of vital importance. The ceremony in which the child is offered and fed food for the very first time is called as baby feeding ceremony or Annaprashan ceremony, in India. Annaprashan ceremony is one of the 16 samskaras. In the ceremony, baby is fed food for the first time. The literal meaning of Annaprashan is food feeding or feeding food.

Indians belief on performing a certain task on specific time duration that is sacred and promising. It is considered that when any work is performed at certain time, the success doubles and there is a rise in prosperity and good fortune. The Annaprashan Muhurat 2013 is a guide that contains all the favorable Muhurat for Annaprashan or baby feeding. The ceremony of Anna prashan or feeding bay is ideal to be conducted when the child gets 6-7 months older. In the ceremony, the child is introduced to solid foods. The ceremony is about teaching the child to eat right kind of foods. The food that we eat has a great influence on us. It gives rise to abilities within individuals. It is truly said that a person is what he eats. The thoughts, feelings, desire and every other thing is governed by the kind of food that he eats. The Annaprashan Muhurat for 2013 is given in the form of table below. You can choose the best suited Muhurat according to your needs and ease. The Annaprashan 2013 Muhurat table is accurate and gives you the best Muhurat in the year 2013 for Anna prashan.

Date Tithi Day Special comments
4 January Paush Krishna 7 Friday Saptami (after Bhadra)
14 January Paush shukla 3 Monday In siddhiyoga
17 January Paush shukla 6 Thursday In saptami
18 January Paush shukla 7 Friday In saptami
24 January Paush shukla 13 Thursday Endrayog
31 January Magh Krishna 4 Thursday Panchami
1 February Magh Krishna 5 Friday Panchmi
8 February Magh Krishna 13 Friday Trayodashi (before bhadra)
11 February Magh shukla 1 Monday In dwitiya till afternoon
13 February Magh shukla 4 Wednesday Tritiya
14 February Magh shukla 4 Thursday After bhadra (till afternoon)
15 February Magh shukla 5 Friday In panchami
20 February Magh shukla 10 Wednesday Till afternoon
27 February Falguni krishna 2 Wednesday Uttara falguni
28 February Falguni krishna 3 Thursday Before Bhadra
4 March Falguni krishna 7 Monday In saptami
13 March Falguni shukla 2 Wednesday Uttara bhadrapada
14 March Falguni shukla 3 Thursday In revati
18 March Falguni shukla 6 Monday Saptami till afternoon
22 March Falguni shukla 10 Friday Till afternoon
27 March Falguni shukla 15 Wednesday Purnima (till afternoon)
28 March Chaitra krishna 1 Thursday In dwitiya
29 March Chaitra krishna 2 Friday Before Bhadra
4 April Chaitra krishna 9 Thursday In dashmi
5 April Chaitra krishna 10 Friday Before Bhadra
15 April Chaitra shukla 5 Monday Till afternoon
24 April Chaitra shukla 13 Wednesday In trayodashi
1 May Vaishaakh krishna 6 Wednesday After badra
13 May Vaishaakh shukla 3 Monday In tritiya
15 May Vaishaakh shukla 5 Wednesday Till afternoon
20 May Vaishaakh shukla 10 Monday Uttara falguni conjoining till afternoon
23 May Vaishaakh shukla 13 Thursday After vyattipata (till afternoon)
29 may Jyeshtha krishna 5 Wednesday In panchami
13 June Jyeshtha shukla 4 Thursday In Pushya (after Bhadra)
19 June Jyeshtha shukla 10 Wednesday In dashmi
21 June Jyeshtha shukla 13 Friday Anuradha conjoining noon
27 June Asadh krishna 5 Thursday In panchami
5 July Asadh krishna 12 Friday In trayodashi
10 July Asadh shukla 2 Wednesday In Pushya
15 July Asadh shukla 7 Monday Till afternoon
24 July Shravan krishna 2 Wednesday In dhanishta
29 July Shravan krishna 7 Monday In saptami
12 August Shravan shukla 5 Monday In panchami
19 August Shravan shukla 13 Monday In trayodashi
21 August Shravan shukla 15 Wednesday In Purnima
22 August Bhadra krishna 2 Thursday In shatbhisha
23 August Bhadra krishna 3 Friday In uttara bhadrapada (before Bhadra)
30 August Bhadra krishna 9 Friday Dashmi conjoining mrigshira
2 September Bhadra krishna 12 Monday Trayodashi conjoining Pushya
12 September Bhadra shukla 7 Thursday In anuradha
20 September Ashwin krishna 1 Friday In dwitiya
7 October Ashwin shukla 3 Monday In swati
9 October Ashwin shukla 5 Wednesday In anuradha
14 October Ashwin shukla 10 Monday In Ashwini
23 October Kartik krishna 4 Wednesday In panchami
24 October Kartik krishna 5 Thursday In mrigshira
1 November Kartik krishna 13 Friday After vaidhratti (before Bhadra)
15 November Kartik shukla 3 Friday Till afternoon
20 November Marg krishna 3 Wednesday Before Bhadra
22 November Marg krishna 5 Friday In panchami
27 November Marg krishna 9 Wednesday In dashmi before Bhadra
1 December Marg shukla 7 Monday In saptami before Bhadra
12 December Marg shukla 10 Thursday In dashmi
19 December Paush krishna 2 Thursday Before Bhadra
20 December Paush krishna 3 Friday Before Bhadra
27 December Paush krishna 9 Friday In dashmi before Bhadra
30 December Paush krishna 13 Monday In anuradha

In the ceremony, the food is first offered to gods. Prayers and Yagyas are also performed. Kheer (rice porridge) is prepared. Mother and father feed Kheer to the child and along with that they seek blessings from gods for their child. Kheer is fed with a silver spoon and mantras are chanted simultaneously.

The Annaprashan Muhurat 2013 table is very beneficial as it gives you a chance to read and know about all the Muhurat in the year 2013. You can plan the Anna prashan or baby feeding ceremony accordingly. Once you know the date of ceremony, you can easily make the required preparations.

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