Financial Horoscope 2021 - Money Horoscope 2021 Predictions
Finance Horoscope 2021 as per Vedic Astrology consists of economic and financial predictions for the year 2021, concerning the natives belonging to all the 12 zodiac signs. The year 2020 so far has been a year full of uncertainties and unprecedented situations because of the pandemic conditions. Financial Horoscope 2021 for all zodiac signs offers astrological evaluation as per planetary transits, placements and movements along with the position of Nakshatras and provides a detailed insight about your monetary conditions.
The economic condition of the big organisations worsened leading to pay cuts and layoffs, which impacted those working in them, as they also had to bear the brunt of it. Many small scale businesses or self employed businesses had to shut down their operations, those continuing were staring at losses, leading to great financial crunches. However, as now we can see, the pandemic is slowly losing its grip on our lives and we have come out of it stronger than before. We have learned quite a few lessons from it, it has made us mature and rethink our financial strategies.
So, now as we are ready to embrace the year 2021, let’s see what the year 2021 has in store for us regarding finances as per Finance Horoscope 2021, and how we need to plan ourselves to make the full utilisation of it. However, talking about planetary transits in 2021, it is analysed that the planet Saturn will not change its placement this year and remain in its own zodiac sign Capricorn.
Same is the case with Rahu and Ketu, who will be in Taurus and Scorpio signs respectively. The biggest and most powerful planetary transit of this year will be that of Jupiter, who will change its placement from Capricorn to Aquarius in April, and will return to Capricorn again in September. At the beginning of the year, Mars will be in its own sign Aries. In this way, the planetary positions will continue to affect your financial condition throughout the year 2021. The Finance Horoscope 2021 for all the zodiac signs is as follows.
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: आर्थिक राशिफल 2021
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Aries
As per Financial Horoscope 2021, the beginning of the year will be very good for
Aries natives as far as their financial prospects are concerned. The conjunction
of your second house, lord Saturn and eleventh house lord, Venus will provide you
with diverse opportunities to multiply your income and add on to your accumulated
wealth during the initial stages.
The movement of Venus, your second house lord will be good throughout the year, especially till June 2021, it will provide you with many opportunities that will see rise in your accumulated wealth and status. The aspect and position of Jupiter will also provide beneficial results for the natives throughout the year. However, from 23 May 2021 to 18 October 2021, Saturn and Jupiter both will be moving in retrograde position, which indicates that this is not the right time to make any financial decisions.The retrograde Jupiter may bear some negative effects on your financial decision and make you incur losses. However, from November onwards things will again move in a better direction for the natives born under the sign of Ram.
However, planetary placements suggest that the presence of Rahu in your second house throughout this whole year may make you inclined towards impulsive purchases, which might create a dent in your savings. So, you need to hatch plans and make small investments this whole year to channelise your money in the right direction.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Taurus
According to the planetary movements or configurations, the year 2021 will provide
you with above average results when it comes to finances as per Money Horoscope
2021 for Taurus zodiac sign as per Vedic Astrology. The combination of the second
house lord Mercury and eleventh house lord Jupiter initially during the month of
January will provide you with great opportunities to increase your wealth and status
in society. However, the position of the Mars in your twelfth house may see you
facing some unprecedented expenditures,so maintaining balance between income and
expenditures is very important.
Also, you have to remain careful during the month of february, initial few days of April and the whole month of November towards making any financial decisions, otherwise, you may incur huge losses in the bargain. Also, especially during the month of April and November, do not lend or borrow money, as Mercury, your lord of wealth will be debilitated and having the aspect of Saturn, which may make it difficult for you to get your money back. Also, do not go for fake promises during this duration, make investments only after assessing the ground realities of the situation.
The position of Mars during the initial days indicates that your life partner may become demanding and you may spend a major portion of your hard earned money to please them, which can put a lot of pressure on your financial position. So, be careful while fulfilling their demands. However, the months of May, July, August and October will be very good for investment purposes as any money invested during this time is likely to provide you with substantial gains and profits later on. Because, during these months, your wealth and finance lord Mercury will be having a positive aspect of the planet of prosperity Jupiter as indicated by Yearly Finance Predictions 2021.
If you are working in the government sector, the starting month of January and whole months of August and September will be crucial for you as you are likely to get benefits and rewards from the government during these times. The position of the ninth house lord, Saturn in the ninth house also indicates that luck and fortune will be on your side throughout the year, so do not push for results, instead relax and trust the process of life.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Gemini
As per Gemini Financial Horoscope 2021., the position of the lord of prosperity,
Jupiter in its debilitated condition transiting through your eighth house in conjunction
with the eighth house lord, Saturn is likely to make it difficult from the start
to maintain the tempo regarding the finances in the year 2021. This planetary position
indicates that you may face some unforeseen expenditures, due to which you may have
to struggle in terms of savings.
In the beginning as per 2021 Finance Horoscope, a lot of money can be spent on your health as well, because of which the financial situation may remain a bit turbulent, especially during the initial months. So take care of health, and always take economic decisions wisely through this period.
However, the situation will turn better from 07 April 2021 as indicated by Financial Predictions 2021, when Jupiter will come out of its debilitated position and transit through your house of fortune and will continue to be there till 14 September 2021. This period will provide you with better direction and opportunities in terms of finances. But, still the aspect of Saturn on the second house of finances throughout the year is going to make it a little difficult for you to save or accumulate money during this year 2021. This can create problems in your personal life also, so try to maintain a proper balance between your income and expenditures.
The best months for the natives born under the sign of the twins in terms of finances would be February, March, April, May, November and December. So, double up your efforts during these months as favorable planetary alignments are likely to provide you with great opportunities to increase your wealth during these months. However, the position of Rahu in your twelfth house of expenditures throughout the year 2021 will ensure rise in expenditures, so keeping them in check is of paramount importance. Overall, a tough year in terms of finances, but a few measures regarding savings can help you get better results.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Cancer
As indicated by Money Predictions 2021, the natives born under the sign of the crab
are likely to have a good financial year 2021 as the planetary movements seem promising
and favorable for them throughout the year.
However, the initial few months will be a little slow in terms of providing them with the fiscal and monetary benefits. The planet of royalty, the Sun holds the important position for the Cancer natives along with the planet of luxuries, Venus. This indicates that the initial few months are going to be struggling and sluggish when it comes to monetary and fiscal benefits for the Cancer natives. This is because most of the time, they will be in conjunction with the lord of the eighth house Saturn, which will make it difficult for them to make proper utilisation of the opportunities. However, some of the natives might get some sudden benefits from their spouse's family or ancestral property during this tenure.
The period from 17 March till the end of May month holds special importance, as you are likely to get benefits from the government and other such institutions during these months. Then during the month of June, when your second house lord the Sun will move through the dual sign of the Gemini, which is your twelfth house of expenditures. As per your Finance horoscope 2021, during this time you may indulge in unnecessary expenditures on luxury items which may lead you towards spending enormous amounts of your savings on them. So, start saving for the future, and before you are hit with the urge to purchase, try and think calmly, whether you need it in the first place.
The mutual aspect of Jupiter and the Sun during the month of August may provide some sudden surge in your income and monetary status, which will help you to pay some of your old debts in the process. During this month, it will also be good to invest your money in some property to secure you and your family’s future. The last few months will see you spending on your health, however, the monetary position will remain perfect. Overall, a great financial year 2021 with the months of March and August providing you with maximum benefits and opportunities. So, try to utilise it by making proper strategies and plans, so that when you are faced with sudden financial problems, you are ready to face them.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Leo
According to the Leo Financial Horoscope 2021, Mercury, the planet associated with
finance, governs the position of the second house, which gives you a very good sense
of discrimination, when it comes to analysing profits and loss in any given situation.
The situation seems to be favoring you until 14 March as the decisions you take
during these months will provide you with benefits and good flow of cash. Though,
it may not be huge, but you will be able to strike a favorable balance between your
income and expenditure during these times.
According to the current planetary movements, from 14 March till 17 April, be careful while taking any financial decisions and postpone all the activities related to investment during this period. The months of Mid April till Mid of June will be very favorable for you, as during this period, the planet of luxuries, Venus will be positioned in your ninth and eleventh houses respectively, bringing many lucrative opportunities to increase your profits and status. The aspect of Jupiter on your ascendant during these months will also act as a protection and will provide you with clarity when it comes to finances. You are also likely to gain benefits from your spouse during these months. From 15 August 2021, till the end of the year, you will be seen aggressively pushing your efforts in order to increase your finances. This also indicates that you will be able to bear your expenses, routinely or otherwise, with great ease during the Year 2021 as per Yearly Horoscope 2021 in terms of finance. Just make sure that you utilise this year properly and increase your savings and investments.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Virgo
Virgo natives governed by the planet of business and economics, Mercury are known
to have sharp business skills and knowledge regarding finances. But, this year may
not provide ample opportunities to make full utilisation of these qualities. As
per the financial horoscope 2021, Virgo natives will go through many ups and downs
in terms of finances right from the start till April 2021. However, in between the
transit of exalted Venus and Mars during the mid of the year may provide you with
some sudden benefits and profits.
The months starting from April till September may also see an increase in your expenditures as indicated by Monetary Predictions 2021 based on Vedic Astrology. However, the position of the Rahu in your ninth house of fortune and luck will provide you with some sudden splurge of income, making sure that you sail smoothly through this period. The aspect of the benevolent planet, Jupiter on your second house will also ensure financial gains and profits. This aspect of Jupiter also indicates that during these months, your main emphasis should be on the savings.
However, periods ranging from May 30 2021, to June 23 2021 and from 27 September 2021 to october 18, 2021 are the periods in which you have to remain extra careful while making financial decisions as these periods indicate some confusion and anxiety. During this year, the most favorable months for the Virgo natives will be the months of March and December 2021, so try and push yourself and be proactive during these periods to increase your profits. Some of the natives looking for opportunities to earn income from foreign or offshores may see their desires come true during the month of May. Overall, a year which will be like a seesaw providing you with opportunities in some months and giving you expenditures in others.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Libra
Libra natives, according to Money Horoscope 2021 as per Vedic Astrology, will start
the year 2021 with aplomb in terms of finances especially the first two months January
and February, as both Mars their second house lord and the Sun which governs their
eleventh house, will be having aspects on their own houses. This will ensure regular
income and gains during these months. You will also be inclined towards making investments
during these periods especially in land and property.
The months of March till May will see you spending on your health and is also not a good period to take new initiatives. Also, stay away from taking loans and liabilities during this period, as any loan taken during this period will not be easy to repay. However, during the month of April, your spouse wealth may increase, which will see an increase in your luxuries as well. Though, the months of June, July and August will be good, do not try to push for quick results for your investments, otherwise, you may incur huge losses in the bargain.
The months between September and November will be a good tenure to gain profits from foreign or make investment in foreign companies for some of the natives born under the sign of the scales since several auspicious planets can favourably impact you. However, the malefic axis of Rahu and Ketu in your second house and the debilitated Sun in your ascendant during these months may increase your spending on others, especially your friends. You may do these in order to please them, which may lead to a crunch in your savings. So, try and be more wise when it comes to spending and put more emphasis on investing your money positively, as the last month of december will also be good when it comes to providing you with benefits and profits. Overall, a great year in terms of finance, make sure to utilise it properly and make the right foundation for years to come.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Scorpio
Scorpio natives will also have a satisfying year 2021 when it comes to finances
as per Yearly Financial Predictions 2021. The starting phase, the planetary conjunction
of Mercury and Jupiter will see you getting benefits from your friends, social circle
and travelling. The position of the Mars, your ascendant lord in the sixth house
during the initial months also indicates that the pending court cases are likely
to go in your favor and you may get some profits from them.
However, the presence of Jupiter, your second house lord in its debilitated position indicates that expenditures may also rise during the initial months, making it difficult for you to save your money during this period. The period from mid of April will also see maximum planets positioned in your sixth and eighth houses, indicating that some old problems related to health may resurface leading to expenditures. So try to keep yourself fit and healthy. Also, if you have any tax or liabilities pending, especially related to the government, try to fulfill them during these months. The period starting from April also will see the position of Jupiter in your fourth house, which indicates that from April till September 2021, you may see yourself investing money and energy in your home related affairs. Some of you might see yourself getting involved in the repair work of your home or some of the natives may seem to host auspicious events during this time period, which may see regular expenditure of money. However, the periods between July and August will also provide you with a regular source of income, which will help you to maintain the balance. The periods from September to November may also provide you with sudden gains, however, stay away from trying any shortcuts during this duration., otherwise you may see yourself in big trouble. So, a good year 2021, full of opportunities for the Scorpio natives, so, try and utilise them to their full potential.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Sagittarius
In accordance with predictions based on Finance Horoscope 2021, the natives born
under the sign of the scales will start the year on a positive note as maximum planets
will be positioned in their second house providing them with many opportunities
to increase their income.
These months also indicate that the initial month is good for investing your money, thus providing foundation for the rest of the year 2021. The months starting from March till April may see you spending heavily on your comforts and luxuries, leading you to spend most of your hard earned money on it. Some of the natives may also take loans during these months to purchase a new property or renovate the old one, which might see them fixing regular expenditures in the process,
The period from April till September 2021 will see Jupiter positioned in your third house, indicating that your efforts will be ably supported by luck and fortune, enabling you to amass good fortune during these months. However, the position of Ketu in your twelfth house indicates that you may face some expenditures here and there during the whole year 2021, so keeping focus on savings will be of paramount importance. Those of you looking to earn from abroad may have to wait till the year end to receive some opportunities.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Capricorn
Economic Predictions 2021 based on Vedic Astrology reveal that the Capricorn natives
might not receive auspicious results in terms of finances this whole year 2021,
as debilitated Jupiter, the planet of prosperity will be positioned in your ascendant
most of the time throughout the year. The start of the year will not be on a promising
note, as maximum planets in your ascendant may lead to over expenditure, making
it difficult for you to accumulate money. So, right from the start, you will have
to make proper strategy regarding the utilisation of finances, otherwise, there
will be huge repercussions in the future.
However, since March, some opportunities might come your way with Venus, the planet of luxuries in its exalted state, and April will help to consolidate the results, with Jupiter transiting through your second house. However, still stay away from lending or borrowing money during these months.
The month of May is good for gaining profits and gains from competitions, games and litigation. The months between June, July will be good and provide you with new opportunities to earn income, however, try and control your aggression, otherwise, you may ruin the opportunities. The periods starting from August until November will be a little tough and may give you some problems related to finance. So, be aware as these financial problems may lead to difficulties in your personal life also. However, the last part of the year may provide you with new opportunities due to the possible favourable planetary placements, that may provide you with a solid foundation for the next year to come.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Aquarius
Aquarius natives will not have a great start of the year 2021 according to Aquarius
Financial Horoscope 2021, as they would have expected in terms of finances. Right
from the beginning, with their ascendant lord Saturn positioned in their twelfth
house, resulting in them facing unwanted expenditures and losses. This may be further
aggravated by the debilitated position of the Lord of Income house, Jupiter. So,
it will be better to review your bank account from time to time, keep record of
your outgoings and income, avoid major purchases during this time as this will help
you to know where you stand in terms of income and help you face these months without
much stress and worry.
Things are likely to get better from 06 April till 14 September 2021, when Jupiter will be positioned in your ascendant. This time period will see luck and fortune smile on you and may also help you accumulate and save some money. However, from mid of September till 21 November 2021, you might encounter some ups and downs on the financial front once again. The position of maximum planets in your eight and twelfth house indicate that your health might require special attention and you might also have to spend a huge chunk of your money to keep yourself fit. So, giving proper attention to health and owing full responsibility towards it is very important from the beginning.
So, as you know because of these circumstances, you might have to face some unpredictability in terms of finances throughout the year 2021. However, if you are attentive towards accumulating money and adapting measures that we have discussed above, then months of March, April, May, November and December may provide some solace and solitude in terms of income and finances.
Finance Horoscope 2021 for Pisces
According to the Yearly Finance Horoscope 2021, the natives born under the sign
of the fish are likely to see their income and financial status rise during the
first quarter of the year from January till 07 April 2021. The position of the second
house’s Lord, Mars in the second house and eleventh house’s lord Saturn in its own
house will be providing you profits through previous investments and policies. This
period will also provide you with opportunities to earn from diverse sources, resulting
in increase in your accumulated wealth.
However, from 07 April 2021 till 14 September, with Jupiter transiting through your twelfth house, things are likely to change and you might encounter some challenges on the financial front during these months. You may encounter some challenges related to health or due to some impulsive purchases, making it difficult for you to accumulate and save money. However, with the sixth house lord the Sun positioned in its exalted position in your second house indicates that you might get benefits through ancestral property or through some litigations during the month of April.
The period between 2 June till 20 July requires special attention, as your income house Lord, Mars will be in its debilitated condition. So, avoid lending money or making any big purchase during this time of the year. However, things will move ahead in the positive direction during the months of May and June 2021 lord of the fourth house, Mercury will be positioned in its own house, resulting in purchase of some new property, land or vehicle during its period.
You may also find an increase in the wealth of your spouse due to possible planetary transits and movements, resulting in adding on to your luxuries in the process. The last months of the Year 2021 between October till december will be good for you, as you might get some opportunities to earn income that you may have missed earlier. The fortune will be on your side at the end of the year, preparing a solid base for the upcoming year. Overall, a better year in terms of finances, so it is important that you remain structured and organised to make the most of it.
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