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Ketu Transit 2015 - Ketu Transit In Pisces 2015 - Transit Of Ketu 2015 Horoscope

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Ketu Transit 2015: Known as the planet of giving instant results, Ketu forces one to work from their heart. Though it is in Pisces, its effects will be seen in the lives of all. Know its possible effects along with remedies for your sign from Astrologer Pt. Deepak Dubey .

Ketu transit in 2015 horoscope is here along with remedies to all the difficulties. These predictions for the transit of Ketu in 2015 covers all the aspects of your life.

Ketu is a shadowy planet and thus, unlike other planets, it does not have any physical identity. If mythological texts are believed, Ketu is the lower body part of a demon. In normal words, Ketu is a malefic planet of invisible influence and does not have head; hence, it forces natives to work from their heart. As it has no relation with brain; therefore, it provides Moksha (salvation). It follows its heart and is ever-ready to perform every work. Being a demon, Ketu is powerful.

To summarize the above discussion, Ketu holds the power to accomplish every work in the shortest possible time and with dedication. As it lacks eyes, it gives results under the influence of planet with which it is associated or the house where it resides.

Ketu Transit 2015: Facts Related To Ketu

Usually, people take Ketu’s name with fear thinking it is purely a harmful planet, which is a wrong perception. Like all other planets, Ketu also has dark as well as bright side. Hence, I thought of sharing some facts with you before beginning the predictions of Ketu transit in 2015.

  1. As it has retrograde motion, Ketu travels in the opposite direction.
  2. Ketu always resides in the house which is seventh from Rahu and gives results opposite to Rahu. Hence, we can say if Rahu gives auspicious results, Ketu will give inauspicious ones and vice versa.
  3. In every sign, Ketu resides for 18 months and thus, it visits every sign after a period of 18 years.
  4. Maha Dasha (major period) of Ketu is 7 years.
  5. It stays happy in signs belonging to planet Jupiter , i.e. Sagittarius and Pisces .
  6. Ketu turns dreadful (equivalent to death) due to conjunction or aspect of Mars and Sun .

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Ketu Transit 2015: Impact & Influence

Ketu transit took place from Aries to Pisces on July 12, 2014. Throughout 2015, Ketu will reside in Pisces and will transit into Aquarius on January 30, 2016. Be it any sign, Ketu will reside there for 18 months and during this period, it travels through all the 9 Nakshatras (constellations), i.e. 2 months per Nakshatra. As each Nakshatra is under the influence of a different planet; hence, result of Ketu changes after every two months. Benefic as well as malefic impact of Ketu, both takes place rapidly and hence, the concerned person doesn’t get to realize as to what actually happens. Ketu is known for giving an authoritative position and is the provider of Moksha.

Here, I am telling about the effects and results of Ketu transit in Pisces. It is requested not to take them as the final conclusion; because results of Ketu on a particular person vary in accordance to its position during birth of an individual and its present Dasha (period) & Maha-Dasha (major period). Whether it is Ketu’s favorable result or unfavorable, it happens instantly and in a great proportion. Hence, guidance of expert is very important under special conditions. Let’s now know the effects of Ketu transit in 2015 over each zodiac sign. These predictions are based on your Moon sign. If you are not aware of your Moon sign, click here: Moon Sign Calculator

Ketu Transit 2015: Aries Horoscope

For Arians, Ketu transit will take place in twelfth house. As a result, enemies will be destroyed, but expenses will rise to a great extent, predicts Ketu transit horoscope 2015. During this phase, fear of disease, fire, electrical equipments, injury from weapons, and accidents are possible. Nothing beneficial is foreseen from journeys as well. Possibilities of engaging in useless conflicts are also there. On the other hand, if you are doing something related to abroad or are planning to go there, Ketu transit astrology 2015 witnesses success on your cards. However, this success won’t be stable. According to Ketu transit 2015 horoscope, your interest in religious activities will increase, if position of Ketu is good in your horoscope. Also, you will go on pilgrimage and will make donations. Ketu transit will develop your interest toward occult sciences, foretells Ketu transit astrology 2015.

Ketu Transit 2015: Taurus Horoscope

Taureans, if you were born under good condition of Ketu and its Dasha and Antar Dasha are prevailing at present as well, you are going to fetch wealth beyond imagination. Reason behind is the positioning of Ketu in your eleventh house, as predicted by Ketu transit 2015 astrology. Taurus is the friendly sign of Ketu and hence, it will help you to relish luxuries and prosperity of every possible kind. While businessmen will gain profits; people who are into jobs will progress at work front, as per Ketu transit horoscope 2015. Owing to the auspiciousness of this time, journeys will also prove beneficial. However, this phase is not that favorable for matters related to children and education. For couples who are planning a child and for the pregnant ladies, Ketu transit 2015 horoscope suggests being careful.

Ketu Transit 2015: Gemini Horoscope

Exalted Ketu being posited in tenth house, will turn this time highly influential for those who are associated with social and political sectors. As per Ketu transit horoscope 2015, such natives will cherish high position and reputation. Name and fame will grow in the society and your work will be appreciated by one and all. Ketu transit astrology 2015 says that Gemini natives will not only get support of their father, but will also get the needed help from the government. According to the predictions, get ready to live the best days of your life as you will attain paternal property and if any paternal property is under some disputes, it will end up in your favor. Good times and bad times are a part and parcel of our lives and thus, with everything going really good, some problems are also foreseen on your cards. During this phase, Ketu transit astrology 2015 foresees a lack in familial happiness. Health of your mother is also expected to fall down. Some issues related to new house or vehicle might also knock your door.

Ketu Transit 2015: Cancer Horoscope

As Cancer is the sign of Moon; therefore, Ketu will give harmful results, according to Ketu transit horoscope 2015. But, in the ninth house, Ketu is posited in the sign of Jupiter, is exalted and Jupiter is aspecting as well; hence, most of the results given by Ketu will be auspicious in the first 6 months. Other than this, your wealth and property will also increase, assures Ketu transit astrology 2015. Possibilities of setting up a new venture or business is also there and it will bless you with profits. During this time period, journeys will yield profits. However, if positioning of Ketu is not in any auspicious house at the time of birth or if any malefic Yoga is there in your horoscope, luck will not favor you. As a result, hurdles will come up in every task, as per Ketu transit 2015 horoscope. This is the time to maintain distance with betting and gambling. Caution is needed in matters of finances and image. Be generous toward relations and bonds. The complexity of this time suggests not to trust anyone blindly. No matter what sort of situation comes up, Ketu transit 2015 astrology predicts that you will feel inclined toward religion and will perform religious deeds. Good thing about this phase is that your confidence will stay alive.

Ketu Transit 2015: Leo Horoscope

Lions, your sign Leo is directly related to Sun and share inimical relation with Ketu. Also, Ketu is posited in your eighth house, which again is an unfavorable factor, as per Ketu transit horoscope 2015. It won’t be wrong to say that none of these conditions is auspicious. For the Lions, who have Kaal Sarp Dosha from this house in their horoscope and along with that if Rahu is there in the eighth house at the same time, this is going to be a very crucial time. Due to this unfavorable time, you are likely to get harmed from fire, electricity, poison, accident, etc., according to the predictions of Ketu transit astrology 2015. During this time, troubles such as hurdles in accomplishment of work, sudden gain and then loss of wealth, complicacy due to legal matters are possible. In short, everything might go wrong, foretells Ketu transit 2015 horoscope. You will find difficulty in controlling your speech and thoughts. Lions, this phase will test your patience level. It is suggested to take care if there lies Dasha or Mahadasha of Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu.

Ketu Transit 2015: Virgo Horoscope

Ketu transit horoscope 2015 says that positioning of Ketu is seventh house is not good; especially, in the matters of family and personal life. Predictions of Ketu transit astrology 2015 witness troubles in conjugal life and if seventh house is not favorable during birth, you need to pay serious attention toward your married life. If ascendant is under the influence of malefic planets, you are likely to meet a wrong person (of opposite gender) and it can harm your character. In this transit period, you might get cheated in work or business; hence, stay cautious; that’s what Ketu transit 2015 horoscope suggests. If Ketu was in Scorpio, Cancer, or Leo and was aspected by Saturn or Mars at the time of birth, don’t go in deep water and isolated places.

Ketu Transit 2015: Libra Horoscope

Ketu remains happy when posited in the sign of its lord, i.e. Venus (its lord). As a result, except some conditions, it always gives auspicious results, as per Ketu transit horoscope 2015. For natives of Libra, Ketu will be in the sixth house. You will make new contacts, which will bestow you with excellent results. Ketu transit astrology 2014 says that enemies will be destroyed and success will come in your way in legal matters. People will admire your speech and you will become influential, as your words will amaze everyone. If you are a writer, you will surprise the world with your talent. Name, fame, and prestige will reach heights, as foreseen by Ketu 2015 horoscopes. In this excellent time, you will welcome abundant wealth and will get benefits from journeys too. Predictions say that your awareness toward nation and society will enhance. You will feel courageous. Ketu transit 2015 astrology assures that this transit will bless you with an extremely beneficial phase. Last but not the least, if positioning of Ketu is good during birth, you are surely going to live the best days of your lifetime.

Ketu Transit 2015: Scorpio Horoscope

Ketu transit horoscope 2015 predictions say that Ketu will occupy your fifth house. As a result, Ketu transit will give average results. For the pregnant ladies, this time demands caution. If there is formation of Kaal Sarp Yoga from this house, and Rahu is posited in fifth house, you should be extremely careful during that time, as suggested by Ketu transit astrology 2015. This is a wonderful time for external contacts and social work. Your cards witness progress in finance-business, increment in social contacts, and social influence. According to the predictions, your decisive power will improve and you will take quick and wise decisions. However, issues like worries related to children and hindrance in education are also likely to happen, according to Ketu transit 2015 horoscopes. Overall, good as well as bad results are possible during this time period. In the end, predictions say that auspicious output will increase if positioning of Ketu is favorable during birth, else problems might increase to some extent.

Ketu Transit 2015: Sagittarius Horoscope

Positioning of Ketu is not favorable in the fourth house, foretells Ketu transit horoscope 2015. Sagittarians might feel lack of familial happiness. Problems related to health issues will affect and restlessness as well as mental tensions will take away your peace of mind. Ketu transit astrology 2015 suggests to stay alert from servants. It seems that you may lose something valuable or it might get stolen. An unknown fear will haunt you. Delayed success is foreseen on professional front. If you suffer from blood pressure issues, Ketu transit 2015 astrology advises to be careful. During this time, stay alert from closed ones too. Though conditions are not in your favor; still, your influence will be there in the society and your work will be appreciated. If Ketu is posited in Aries, Scorpio, or Leo at the time of birth, you might get harmed by fire or criminals. Hence, take the help of astrological remedies, says Ketu transit 2015 horoscopes.

Ketu Transit 2015: Capricorn Horoscope

For people of sign Capricorn, Ketu will be in their third house, as per Ketu horoscope 2015. Such a position of Ketu is very beneficial and you will be very courageous. As a result, you will earn immense name and fame. According to Ketu transit astrology 2015, you will achieve a new and prestigious position. In this time period, not only you will see a hike in your income, but also get multiple income sources. Success in government endeavors is assured by Ketu transit 2015 horoscopes. People associated with political sectors will earn huge pride. If you belong to fields like writing, arts, and music, your talent will be recognized and you will be highly appreciated by one and all. Relations with siblings and relatives will improve. Overall, this is a very auspicious phase, predicts Ketu transit 2015 astrology.

Ketu Transit 2015: Aquarius Horoscope

For Aquarians, Ketu transit will take place in the second house, according to Ketu transit astrology 2015. As per predictions, it will lead to differences with family members. You are likely to face loss of money during this time. Not only those, but decline in your income is also predicted to happen. Your speech might turn offensive, due to which you will make enemies, foresees Ketu transit 2015 horoscope. Therefore, it would be good to keep a check on your words, else serious consequences are possible. During this difficult time, number of enemies might increase. You may get an oral disease, as per Ketu transit astrology 2015. It is advised not to take any issue as minor and take everything seriously. This not-so-happening time will bring useless and unexpected expenses. In short, this time will test your way of talking, your patience, and courage.

Ketu Transit 2015: Pisces Horoscope

For Pisceans, transit of Ketu will take place in ascendant i.e. first house. Pisces is known as the exalted sign of Ketu (because Ketu has no place of its own; therefore, it has got the place of signs belonging to planet Jupiter; hence, some astrologers consider Sagittarius being exalted, while others think Aries as the exalted one. According to my personal experience, Ketu gives beneficial results in Pisces). As a result, there will be a rise in the courage of the native and you will get opportunities to do new endeavors, according to Ketu transit horoscope 2015. Name and fame will increase in the society, auspicious events will take place in the family. Any religious activity or trip is also foreseen on the cards of Ketu transit astrology 2015. However, this time is not good for conjugal life; especially, if there is either possibility of Kaal Sarp Yoga or seventh house is already not favorable, some malefic results are foreseen. Also, if ascendant of birth time is under the influence of malefic planets, your mind will go in negative direction. However, if the influence is good, Pisceans will reap serious benefits, as per Ketu transit 2015 horoscopes.


Effects of Ketu occur unexpectedly, be it favorable or unfavorable. Whether there is possibility of facing favorable Ketu or unfavorable one, you can take the help of below mentioned remedies in either case.

  1. Chant the Mantra ‘ॐ कें केतवे नमः’ for 17000 times on every Wednesday. Perform the tenth part of recitation along with sacrificing ritual (Havana).
  2. Lord Ganesha is worshiped to please Ketu. Therefore, chant the Mantra "ॐ गं गणपतयै नमः" 1,25,000 or 51,000 times. Doing so will nullify malefic effects of Ketu and will enhance its benefic effects.
  3. Donate black sesame seeds, black cloth, seven types of grains, blanket, Urad (black grams), mustard or sesame oil, iron or steel utensils on every Wednesday or Saturday.
  4. If possible, do the ritual (chanting Mantras) yourself, else get it done by an expert priest. Performing the remedies in the auspicious time will yield better results.

So, this was all I had for Ketu transit in 2015. Keep commenting for feedbacks and don’t forget to share if you find it useful.

By Pt. Deepak Dubey

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