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Home » 2014 » Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 Published:June 30, 2014

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014: The Airy Element Affects All The Rasis!

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal in Rasi Kanni in 2014 will take place on July 12,2014. Rahu an evil Graha will have some impact on all the Rasis in 2014. Read on to know about Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 from our expert astrologer Pt. Hanumman Mishra...

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014

Rahu Peyarchi in 2014 is in Rasi Kanni />This time Rahu Peyarchi
                is in Rasi Kanni in 2014. <a href=Rahu is considered to be the factor which is responsible for all the elusive disciplines and deceptive powers. Rahu is a shadowy planet, representing the element of air in one’s body. If native’s Rasi Palan contains debilitated Rahu or if some evil Graha. Then a person may have to suffer some unanticipated effects.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal offers a huge profit or loss in the specific areas. These areas are: gambling, lottery, money invested on horse racing. Along with this, if money is invested through the internet or with similar means, it will bring either profit or loss. Out of all the nine Graha, Rahu is the only Graha which can make a person rich or poor within seconds. Rahu Peyarchi will take place on July 12 in 2014 from Rasi Thulaam to Rasi Kanni.

As per the Rasi Palan 2014, this Rahu Peyarchi will have some affect all the Rasis, let’s find out:

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Mesham

With Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi positive results can be gained for your efforts. Your personal life, be it service or business, will improve. Financial conditions will also improve. Some profitable deals are expected, as per the Rasi Palan 2014. Your boss will stay happy with your work. You will gain some profits from your subordinates. Your competitors will remain weak in front of you. During Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 your family life will be at peace. Some trips will turn out to be advantageous. However, you may face some health issues.


  • As recommended by Rasi Palan 2014 donate red lentils to sweepers to get rid of all the problems.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Rishabham

With Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi, your decision making power and your ability will get affected. Their may be some deals that may seem extremely attractive, but as advised by Rasi Palan 2014, think about its advantages and disadvantages beforehand. Do not take any financial risk, during this time. As per the Rasi Peyarchi Palangal 2014, avoid your indulgence in any legal matters. Restrain your eating habits as it may result in some kind of gastric troubles.


  • As suggested by Rasi Palan 2014, wear a silver ring in your hand.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Midhunam

Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi may result in some family tensions. Some of your efforts may turn out to be unsuccessful; therefore, you may feel depressed. As advised by Rasi Palan 2014, try to conquer your fear and deal with all the situations enthusiastically. Do not keep any strange feelings with friends and loved ones. Perform all your tasks with proper planning and focus. Do not indulge in any kind of wrong practices in order to make money.


  • As advised by Rasi Palan 2014, worshiping Goddess Saraswati will relieve you from your problems.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Kadagam

Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi predicts that you will be filled with energy. Your social circle and prestige in the society will increase. You may get some good news, as predicted by Rasi Palan 2014. You will perform all your tasks with proper planning. According to Rahu Peyarchi Palangal in 2014 your business will expand and grow. Service professionals can also expect a growth in their professional life. The time is favorable for outings, entertainment, and traveling.


  • As advised by Rasi Palan 2014, possess an eight-faced Rudraksha garland as it relieves you from tensions.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Simmam

Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi, will not be give favorable results. As per the Rasi Palangal 2014, you may face some domestic tensions. Your competitors may cause some trouble in your work. So, as advised by Rasi Palan 2014, it will be extremely important to think twice before doing any performing any important task. Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 204 suggests to deal carefully in financial matters. Take care of your health!


  • As guided by Rasi Palan 2014, keep a solid sphere of silver with you.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Kanni

With Rahu Peyarchi in the first house, will result in making wrong decisions. As per the Rasi Palangal 2014, you may face some unknown fear; hence, maintain patience. Don’t spoil your relationship with the opposite sex. As suggested by Rasi Palan in 2014, your relationship with your life and business partner should be made more pleasing. In order to make money, do not adopt any shortcut method or wrong practices. It is better to accept the reality and do not neglect your health!


  • As directed by Rasi Palan 2014, flow a coconut in a flowing water body.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 for Rasi Thulaam

Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi, results in increase in expenses. As per Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014, you may have to go for some unnecessary trips. There's a possibility that you may change your job or house. You may feel worried about your family and loved ones. Your opponents may create some stressful situations, according to Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014. In this case you have to stay self confident and maintain your dignity in the society.


  • As recommended by Rasi Palan 2014, flow charcoal into flowing water, which should be equivalent to your weight.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Viruchigam

Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi will bring favorable results for you. You will make some new plans in order to complete your tasks. In relation to this, you will meet some influential people. Your friends will offer support. With this Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014, long distance journeys will prove beneficial; especially, meeting with people of foreign origin. From the perspective of your personal life, Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi will not affect your domestic life. Hence, your personal life will be at peace. As predicted by Rasi Palan 2014, your health will remain fine; however, there may be some minor health problems.


  • As recommended by Rasi Palan 2014, donate barley regularly at a temple.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Dhanusu

Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi will result in lot of confidence. Your courage and willpower to find against all odds will bring favorable results. You will do extremely well in your professional life and business, as per the Rasi Palan 2014. If you are unemployed you will get a job. Also, the employed people may receive a promotion, as per the Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014. Your opponents will not be able to harm you. Journey will turn out to profitable. This Rahu Peyarchi Palangal in 2014 foretells good health.


  • As recommended by Rasi Palan 2014, feed the blind persons to get rid of all the problems.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Magaram

Rahu is in the ninth (luck) house, but still this Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 in Kanni Rasi is not that favorable. Hence, it will bring you mixed results. You will get a lot of opportunities in order to improve your job and business. According to Rasi Palan 2014, your self confidence will help you attain the desired results. As per Rasi Palangal 2014, you need to maintain a good relationship with your teachers and parents. Don’t let ego inspect into you and keep introspecting yourself during this Rahu Peyarchi Palan in 2014.


  • As proposed by Rasi Palan 2014, apply a saffron mark on your forehead on a daily basis.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Kumbam

Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi is in eighth house for Kumbam Rasi people; hence, it is not so favorable. This is one of the reason that you will face some difficulties in your efforts. You may face some uncertainties. As per the Rasi Palan 2014, you may not receive the desired results as per the efforts made by you. Try to make your relationship stronger in a partnership or while dealing with your co-workers. Professionals in service may have to face some challenges, during this Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 in Kanni Rasi. Maintain a strong bond with your spouse. Consult a doctor from time to time. This Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 will show some positive impact on the people of Kumbam Rasi, as you will be more inclined toward some abstract art or science. During this Rahu Peyarchi in 2014, you may face some exceptional incidents which are beyond a person's day to day experience.


  • As suggested by Rasi Palan 2014, keep a square piece of silver article with you.

Rahu Peyarchi Palangal 2014 For Rasi Meenam

Due to Rahu Peyarchi 2014 in Kanni Rasi, you need to be extremely careful in each and every task. During this Rahu Peyarchi 2014, try to make your relationship strong and more bonded with your friends and partners. As per Rasi Palangal 2014, you may face some hurdles in your day to day routine works. You may get lured with some deals, but as per the Rasi Palan 2014, it is time to face the reality. During Rahu Peyarchi Palan 2014, stay aloof from any legal issues. Remain self-independent. Maintain a cordial relationship with your loved one’s. Take care of your health as suggested by Rasi Palan in 2014. Try to avoid any unnecessary trips!


  • As recommended by Rasi Palan 2014,flow six coconuts in a river.

We hope these predictions on Rahu Peyarchi in 2014 and its cure will prove beneficial to you.

By: Pt. Hanumman Mishra

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