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Home » 2014 » Gemini Horoscope 2014 Published: November 22, 2013

Gemini Horoscope 2014

Horoscope 2014 for Zodiac Sign Gemini

As per your horoscope predictions for 2014, people born under this sign may experience mixed results during this year. Major transits in Ascendant and 5th houses may influence personal and love life in a pronounced manner. This year may bring changes with respect to domestic life and individual perception. There may not be much growth on material side of life like career, business and acquisition of assets. You may come to know the true nature of the people around you says horoscope 2014. This year 2014 needs a lot of pragmatism and patience for you.

Gemini Horoscope 2014 For Career & Income

This year may not yield satisfactory results in career and business. Transit of Saturn and Rahu in 5th house may result in some indiscreet or faulty decisions. As such you may not be able to perform well for various reasons foretells horoscope 2014. People engaged in business activities may have gains from July 2014 onwards. Speculation may give adverse losses as Saturn is afflicting 5th house. Distractions or other legitimate attractions at work locations may spoil the prospects. It is highly important to lead a disciplined life in order to maintain reputation at work place. asper horoscope 2014 people engaged in fine arts may prosper well as Saturn will reward their hard work. It may be difficult to find new jobs tailoring your needs. Dissatisfaction in job or pressure in work location may frustrate you. Rahu in 5th house may result in conflicts with superiors or aggressive nature towards subordinates. Government employees may be troubled by new GOs or orders from higher authorities. It is important to assess or enquire about the organization with whom you are going to work with. Further, people working abroad may face challenging situations as Rahu in 5th house causes loss through foreigners. It is better to avoid partnership ventures or investment as sleeping partner. According to astrology 2014 the aspect of Saturn over 2nd house may cause financial incompetence.

Jupiter transiting in Gemini may hinder your progress till June 2014. You may not be able to convert your ability into money. Your reputation may be at stake because of some envious people around you. Deception by a close friend may shock you during the months of August and September 2014. It is necessary to save your income rather than reinvest. You may find new earning opportunities towards the end of this year. There may be promotions or reinstatement in the second half of 2014. Horoscope for 2014 foresees that situations will turn in your favor after a long contemplation. You will be successful in proving your honesty about an allegation. People involved in finance, hotel, educational and medical industries will prosper well during this year. You need to be more interactive with colleagues to enjoy peace of mind. You should separate personal life from career to improve your efficiency.

Transit of Rahu and Ketu in 5th and 11th houses may bring normal results. Further, astrology 2014 warns you that ketu in 11th house may delay the benefits and bring conflicts with people in higher positions. It is not wise to trust strangers as Ketu in 11th denotes cheating. Rahu in 5th house may bring new relations which are harmful to you. New doubts may arise about your conduct in this year. Try to lead a simple and disciplined life to face the situations.

Gemini Horoscope 2014 For Love & Family

As per your 2014 horoscope predictions you may pass tough times in these areas of life. People involved in love matters or looking for love affairs should be very careful. Saturn and Rahu in 5th house are always to spoil the relation. Lack of confidence and trust in partner may bring new conflicts. Sudden breakup is also possible in the second half of 2014. There may be finalization of marriage before July 2014 as Jupiter will be aspecting 7th house. You should be transparent and impress your spouse with sincerity. Remember faith and acceptance is the two main virtues necessary to maintain a relation.

Saturn aspecting 7th house may delay the possibility of marriage after July 2014. You should try to analyze a marriage alliance with practical perspective. It is better to postpone love marriage for this year. Astrology 2014 also tells that health issues to spouse may worry you on several occasions. There may be positive happenings regarding the career of your spouse. There will be improvement in social status of you and your family.

Gemini Horoscope 2014 For Education and Traveling

According to your horoscope predictions for 2014, Jupiter will bless you with grand success in educational matters. You may be successful in getting admission under esteemed institutions. People looking for foreign education may be lucky this year. Youthful distractions may dilute your performance in the middle of academic year. It is important to maintain concentration and improve the presentation skills. Students relating to economics and medicine will have great success. Submission of PhD thesis will give satisfactory results. Hence this is a profitable year for education as per your 2014 predictions.

There may not be regular traveling during this year. You may limit trips or tours for want of time and money. There may be problems and disturbances in long journeys. Generally Saturn and Rahu in 5th house may result in misplacement of belongings during traveling. Astrology 2014 suggests that you should carefully plan your journeys and always have the company of friends or family members. It is better to skip foreign travels for refreshment.

Gemini Horoscope 2014 For Health

This may not be a favorable year for your health and vitality. Saturn and Rahu in 5ht house may weaken your recovering capacity. It may be difficult for physicians to suggest a suitable drug for you. Allopathic medicine may result in number of side effects. Problems relating to kidneys, digestion and excretory organs may trouble you. Horoscope 2014 warns people engaged in IT industry, as they may face severe complications this year. Try to practice meditation and pranayam to maintain the balance of mind and body. Consume natural food and strictly avoid artificial or preservative food.

By VGR Pavan

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