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Lal Kitab General Principals

1.The Sun as lord of the 5th, the Mercury as lord of the 3rd and 6th, the Jupiter as lord of the 9th and the Saturn as lord of the 10th are directly or indirectly in some form or the other are the Karakas of the father and his property. But the Jupiter and the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury or Jupiter and Saturn occupying any house jointly carry no relevance to the knowledge about father or father's property at all. Even Mercury and Sun, Mercury and Saturn or Sun and Saturn also sitting together behave in the same manner.

2.If two or more inimical planets are occupying a single house, they will not behave as enemies. But it does not mean that they do not affect the influences of each other and show their own results of being in that house independently i.e. their conjunction does not affect their individual results.

3.Friendly planets together occupying a house become extremely friendly and help each other in producing good and auspicious results.

4.The 7th house is regarded as the Pucca Ghar (permanent house) of Mercury. If Mercury is placed in the 7th house of a horoscope, even the powerful planets like Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn occupying a Kendra, 2nd or 11th house can not affect the health of the native adversely.

5.If a female planet is placed in any house along with Saturn and both are being aspected by any other planet, then the expecting planet will become afflicted and affect adversely the persons and relatives of such expecting planet as Karakas.

6.In general, all planets in their Pucca Ghar, own house or exalted house give good results. A planet in inimical house or in a house of debilitation gives bad results. If a planet is not placed in his Pucca Ghar and the same is occupied by a planet inimical to such planet, then that planet will destroy the good results of the house in which he stands placed.

7.While examining a horoscope, the 1st, 7th, 8th and 11th houses must be examined together as they are mutually interested. The planets in the ascendant is treated as a ruler and the one in the 7th acts as his minister. The planet in the 8th is the eye of that ruler, whereas the planet in the 11th house is the ruler's foot.

More planets in the 7th house than the 1st house shows that the ruler does not have required control over his minister. If the planets in the 11th house are inimical to the planets in the first house, then they will not obey the command of the ruler i.e., the results of the 11th house will be adversely affected.

The planets of the 8th house (eyes) guide the planets of the 7th house (minister) and control their actions and effects. If the planets of the 1st and 8th houses are friendly, then the planet in the 7th house can not play any mischief.

Mars in the 7th is considered to be highly conducive for gaining large property. But if Mercury is in the Lagna, it will destroy the properties. It will be destroyed because of the foolishness of the native, because here the Mercury being in the first house is Karaka of the native. At the same time if the Mercury is in the 8th house, it will again destroy the properties, but here the reasons for destination will be unknown and invisible, because the active elements of the 8th house are always secretive and mysterious in nature over which the native has no control.

Similarly, if the planets of the 1st and 11th houses destination are friendly, they will control the planets of the 7th house. If they are inimical, the results would be bad.

The planets of the 1st house aspect the planets of the 7th house. If they are mutually inimical, then the bad results accrue because of the foolishness or unworthiness of the native. The planets of the 8th house aspect the planets of the 2nd house and thereby affect their results.

8. 2nd, 6th, 8th, 12th and 11th houses must also be examined simultaneously as follows :

  • (a) The planets of the 8th house aspect the 2nd house and thereby affect the results of the 2nd house. The effects of the aspects of the planets of the 8th house over the 2nd house are affected by the planets of the 11th house - favourably if friendly and unfavourably if inimical.
  • (b) The planets of the 2nd house aspect the 6th house and affects its results. The planets of the 6th and 8th houses have secret relations with each other, because of which they also affect the planets of the 2nd house (+++).
  • (c) The 12th house also affects the 2nd house (+++). If there are evil planets in the 6th and 8th houses, (because of their secret/implied conjunction) their evil power increases 10 times.
  • (d) If the planets in the 12th and 8th houses are inimical, the native should not visit temples and other places of worship.

9. The 3rd, 11th, 5th, 9th and 10th houses must also be examined simultaneously as follows :

  • (a) If there is any planet in the 3rd house, it will start showing effects after the birth of the native's younger brother. If the 9th and 5th houses are occupied by Saturn Rahu or Ketu then the unfavourable changes start coming up in the native's life just after the birth of the child.
  • (b) If there are good planets in the 9th house and there is no planet in the 2nd house, the native remains deprived of all the benefits.
  • (c) If there is no planet in the 4th house, or it is occupied by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, then the good results of the 10th house will not be received by the native. If 10th and 2nd houses are empty, the good results of the 4th house will go waste.
  • (d) If the 3rd and 9th houses are bad, the 5th will also prove bad.
  • (e) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, the 5th house will give good results.
  • (f) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, then Rahu or Ketu in the 5th will neither affect the issues of the native or the native himself adversely.
  • (g) If Rahu or Ketu be placed in the 5th and there are inimical planets in the 8th then strokes of misfortune will hit the native through the 11th house. The relatives indicated by the planets of the 5th and 8th houses will also be affected. In this situation the earnings of the native will also be affected very adversely, if the 2nd house is empty. Nothing will be able to save the native. Now the planets of the 10th and 5th will also turn to be malefic whatever be their natural character.

The author of Lal Kitab has enunciated such significant principles of astrology that stand well tested today and as such they are of utmost importance in our day to day life. In view of this, an effort is being made here to describe some unfailing principles and astrological precautions for the benefit of people at large.

They are as follows:

To begin with, no temple with idols should be constructed even for individual worship in a residential house. However, keeping photos or drawings of deities on paper is not prohibited. This is highly inauspicious for the natives born with Jupiter in 7th house.

If there is a small dark room at the end of the house, where there is no passage for air or light, the same should be left as it is and no attempt should be made to facilitate natural light through opening windows etc. in that room; otherwise, misfortunes will strike the residents.

Places where ornaments or money is kept secretly must not be left empty. If there is nothing to be kept, please put some dry fruits there.

There must necessarily be some uncemented place in a house. But if it is not feasible, the articles related to Venus must be installed and established therein.

Worship of lord Ganesh is highly auspicious for children and property.

For safe delivery of children, a milk pot filled with milk and a sugar pot filled with sugar must be touched by the delivering mother and kept at some different place. After the delivery both the pots should be offered to some temple and should not be brought back from there. Good effects will multiply if the quality of the pots is good.

If one's children do not survive the native must distribute salty preparations in place of sweets, to celebrate the birth of the child.

Digging of wells or providing drinking water facilities for public is strictly prohibited for those with moon in 6th house of the birth chart. Any violation of the above would invite utter destruction and extreme poverty.

Building of dharmshalas, sarais or inns is strictly prohibited for those having Saturn in 8th house.

Saturn in Lagna and Jupiter in 5th house cause death of children one after the other, if copper coins are given in charity.

Jupiter in 10th and moon in 4th cause false allegations and critical legal proceedings against the native if he builds temples or gurudwaras.

Financial aid to widows and scholarships to poor children are strictly prohibited for those having Venus in 9th house.

Grave consequences would folllow if a native with moon in 12th house opens schools for free education, or offers food to religious saints and Jogins.

Anyone having Jupiter in 7th house must not offer clothes to anyone in charity

Donations in the morning and evening hours by persons having Sun in 7th or 8th house of their horoscope will produce highly harmful and poisonous effects.

The younger brother should never go for adoption of children of the elder brother. At the same time he should also not arrange the free marriage of the daughter of his elder brother. These practices would certainly lead to disastrous consequences.

Saturn in 11th house makes the native desert his wife and children in young age, whereas Saturn in the groom's 2nd house proves inauspicious for the bride's family.

Mercury and Rahu combining in houses 3, 8, 9, or 12 of the groom is also inauspicious for the bride's family.

Venus and Ketu together in Lagna make the native impotent.

The groom is likely to be of bad sexual habits and may destroy his wealth in that, if the planetary positions are as follows:

  • (a) Sun in 6th and Mars in 10th with the afflicted 12th house.
  • (b) Moon in Lagna and Jupiter in 11th house.
  • (c) Jupiter and Venus in 10th house.

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