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KP Astrology - Krishnamurti Paddhati - KP System

KP Astrology is basically the study of Stellar Astrology in which we study Nakshatras or Stars and based on these parameters, predict an event in one's life. Get all the utilities, tools, and articles related to KP system here:

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There are numerous types of Astrology defined worldwide. KP system is one of them. It is also known as "KP Astrology". It is a best technique to predict an event accurately. It is famous among astrologers due to its "Easy to Apply and Easy to Understand" concept. It is one of the most simple technique in Hindu Astrology.

The basic concept of Astrology can be understood by means of regular practice and study. KP Astrology is not very different from Vedic Astrology. The concept of kp system or kp astrology has been derived from Vedic Astrology as well as Western Astrology. These systems believe in 12 Zodiac Signs, practically defined worldwide, hence KP Astrology also don't deny to this concept. Before proceeding towards the principles of KP Astrology, let's understand first Zodiac divisions under it:

Zodiac Divisions as per KP Astrology

Astronomically, It is assumed that planets in the universe are placed in between a belt, also known as Zodiac Belt. It is also considered that this belt forms a circle of 360 degree. Hence all the planets move into a circular path in the sky. This imaginary belt is classified into 12 equal parts of 30 degree each, known as Zodiac Sign or "Rashi".

Further it is divided into 27 equal parts of 13 degree 20 minutes each, known as Nakshatra or Star. Again, each star is divided into 9 divisions, known as "Sub". Now, this 9 divisions of stars hold a real concept or true dignity of KP Astrology. The lords of "Sub" divisions are also known as "Sub Lords" in kp system.

The portion of 9 divisions into a particular Nakshatra and ruling planet of these divisions are totally based upon the "Vimshottari Dasha System" of Vedic Astrology. Like a planet with lesser period in Vimshottari Dasha cycle would occupy the lesser portion in 13 degree 20 minutes of certain Nakshatra whereas the planet with the greater period in Vimshottari Dasha Cycle would occupy the greater portion of that particular Nakshatra.

The concept of dividing the Zodiac is almost same in both Vedic Astrology as well as in kp Astrology. Hence KP system can be said as a modernized form of Vedic Astrology with simple techniques to predict an event.

Origin of KP Astrology

Late Krishnamurti invented a technique in Vedic Astrology, called as "Krishnamurti Paddhati". As you can see the name of "Krishnamurti Paddhati" is being derived from its inventor's name. Astrologer Krishnamurti had developed this technique in order to revolutionize predictions in Astrology. It is a most simplest technique to predict an event and also to maintain the accurate prediction.

Earlier it was difficult for an Astrologer to predict the certainty of an event. However, Krishnamurti had invented this method to simplify the work for Astrologers. Vedic Astrologers may find difficulty in prediction whereas KP Astrologers can predict in the most accurate manner whether there is a promise found in Kundali for certain event or not. This invention of Krishnamurti took him to the heights of success.

What is KP Astrology in Actual?

KP Astrology is based on the stellar system of prediction and its "Sub Lords. The entire KP system is based on proper evaluation and applications of sub lords. As we have already discussed that it is a best part of Vedic Astrology. Hence the idea of forming the chart is also prepared in KP Astrology based on Bhava Chalit Chart of Vedic Astrology.

In Bhava Chalit Chart, we consider first house from mid point of first house (First House cusp) to midpoint of second house (Second House cusp) whereas in KP system, it is considered from the Lagna degree up to the next 30 degree. The degree of houses may vary from 30 degree. In KP system, 360 degree of Zodiac Belt is divided into 12 unequal parts. The houses are measured from cusp to cusp. Cusp is the point of intersection of two houses.

We need to calculate first seven Bhavas in KP Astrology and then we may calculate the next bhavas till 12 by deducting the corresponding houses degree from 180 degree as all the bhavas are placed 180 degree apart from its opposite Bhavas.

Each Zodiac sign contains 2 and 1/4th Nakshatras and we have already unveiled the 9 divisions of particular Nakshatra in KP System. Every single part of these 9 divisions are allotted to certain planets. This division is based on the Placidus system of Western Astrology.

For example: if we take Aries Zodiac, It contains Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika Nakshatra. If we divide Ashwini in 9 divisions and assign first part to Ketu as it comes first in Vimshottari Dasha of 120 years. However, the equal proportion may vary according to the Dasha Period of the certain planet as we have already discussed in Zodiac Sign. Like Ketu dasha is only for 6 years, very short span of 120 years of full cycle. Hence 1/20th part of 9 divisions is allocated to planet Ketu. Then comes Venus, duration of 20 years, it will contribute 1/6th proportion accordingly within Ashwini Nakshatra, or it can be mathematically derived as 1/6th portion of 13 degree 20 minutes of Ashwini Nakshatra. Likewise Sun will hold the lesser proportion as it has 7 years cycle and so on.

According to KP Astrology Principles

In KP Astrology, certain rules are defined to measure the time for happening and non happening moments in life. How these certain rules are being implemented on the certain situation, let's find below:

  • Significations of any planet is based on the house occupied by the star lord of particular planet and planet itself, houses owned by star lord of the planet and owned by planet itself.
  • Significator of any house is based on planets in the star of occupying that house, that house itself, planet in the star of owners of that particular house and owner of that house.
  • In KP system, each planet has its sub lord whose effects are also seen while analysing any horoscope. In case, two planets are placed in one Nakshatra and sub lords are different for each one, then there can be different results experienced.
  • In kp astrology, it is considered that Sign Lord gives its results depending on the house in which it sits, however, good or bad results are seen through the sub lords.
  • Any planet sitting in any house and certain sign may provide you the results of its previous house or next house as well depending on the certain degree of the planet.
  • Any Planet, placed in certain Zodiac sign, first provide you the result of its Nakshatra Lord, also called as Sub lords.
  • Any planet's Mahadasha (Vimshottari Dasha) can affect all the significator houses. Significator houses are the houses which gets activated during its Mahadasha period.
  • Any event will take place or not, it will be predicted through the cuspal Sub Lords and promise in Kundali based on significators.

Planets with its significator houses:

Planets Significatory Houses
Sun 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th
Moon 2nd, 4th, 6th, 11th
Venus 6th, 4th, 5th, 11th
Mars 1st, 5th, 11th
Mercury 5th, 8th, 12th
Jupiter 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th
Saturn 2nd, 4th, 7th, 11th
Rahu 5th, 6th
Ketu 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th

The above list of planets and houses describe which houses get activated while the Mahadasha, Antardasha or Pratyantar Dasha of certain Planet comes.

Deviations from Vedic Astrology

The deviation from Vedic Astrology occurs while considering the houses. As we have already discussed about unequal distribution of all 12 zodiac signs in KP Astrology. Vedic Astrology assumes that the houses are equally divided in 12 divisions of 30 degree. The Ascendant starts from 0 degree and ends with 30 degree. However, it is not appropriate according to KP Astrology.

KP Astrology believes that the houses are not equally divided into 12 divisions but based on the cusps. The cusps of houses play very important role throughout the whole lifespan of an individual. The span of house could be less than 30 degree or more than 30 degree. House and cusp lords are calculated through the Placidus system of western Astrology. Hence it is a one of the major deviation of KP Astrology from Vedic Astrology.

Therefore, this technique is commonly used by many Astrologers due to its easy applications. The accuracy of giving any prediction with this technique is found correct many of the times. It can certainly give you an idea for happening or non happening moments in life. So it is mandatory for an Astrologer to know this technique as it minimizes the difference between the predictions given by many Astrologers.

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