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May Horoscope

May Horoscope: The month of May denotes so many things for all the people around the world. In some places it commences spring, while in others, it is the starting time of summer. The sun shines bright and the fauna rejoices as the time of growth comes once again. The name of the month of May was kept after a Greek Goddess, known as Maia. The lucky zodiacs of this month are Taurus and Gemini. The flowers that represent the month of May are the Hawthorn and the Lily-of-the-Valley.

Find Out What May Has In Store For 12 Zodiac Signs!

Several significant celestial movements are taking place in the month of May. On 2nd May 2023, Venus will transit in Gemini, and on 10th May 2023, Mars will transit in Cancer, and on the same date, Mercury will rise in Aries. On 15th May, we will see the transit of the father planet, Sun in the zodiac sign of Taurus. Mercury direct in Aries will be on 15th May 2023 as well. The last transit of May is Venus transit in Cancer. Therefore, through this article we will find out what May has to say for all the 12 zodiac signs in each of their distinct spheres of lives!

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The natives of Ram, are confident, brave, and born-leaders and the May horoscope reveals that these natives in their careers will attain decent results as Jupiter will be in the first house with Rahu. The position of the Sun after the 15th and Jupiter’s aspect on the fifth house will help these natives in their careers.

Saturn will be in the eleventh house, and Sun will be in the first house, which will give new job opportunities. Good profits in business will come after 15th May. Education-wise moderate results will be there in this month as Jupiter and Mercury will be in the first house, Rahu-Ketu in seventh house.

Familial life might face some hurdles due to the positions of Rahu-Ketu, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Mutual discussion will be important to maintain harmony. Jupiter’s aspect on the fifth house will help Ram natives in their family life. Love and marital life might lack luster and after the 15th things will get better.

Financial life will face fluctuations, as Jupiter and Rahu will be in the first house, and Saturn in the eleventh house. Expenses might be there, and for business natives there will be gains but in moderate amounts and competition will be there. Love and marital life will become better after 15th, adjustments will be required to maintain peace and love in relationships.

Health must be given precedence due to the positions of Rahu-Ketu, Jupiter, and Mercury. Digestion issues might come to the fore but Jupiter’s aspect on the fifth house will help. Ram natives should perform Havan for Rahu/Ketu on Tuesday.


Venus-ruled Taurus natives are passionate, steady, and driven, and for them May horoscope says they might come across challenges in their career. Saturn is placed in the tenth house i.e. house of career. Delays and unwanted transfers might be there due to the positions of Jupiter, Rahu, Sun, and Mercury.

The area of academics might also not be that bright this month as Jupiter, Rahu, Sun, and Mercury are all in the twelfth house. Students will be able to perform better in exams due to the effects of Jupiter and Rahu. Students studying overseas will get benefits.

Issues might erupt in the familial lives of Taurus natives due these celestial motions, reveals the May Horoscope 2023. Adjustments will be needed to ensure harmony in the family. Taurus natives might come across issues in their love and marital life as Jupiter and Rahu will be in the twelfth house.

After 15th May, expenses might increase, as Sun, Rahu, and Mercury will be in the twelfth house. Delays and variations might come in terms of finances, savings might be difficult as health related expenses will come in front of Taurus natives. However, the favorable position of Venus will give financial benefits as well.

Business front might come across issues, and health-wise this month will be average. Due to the positions of Jupiter, Sun, and Rahu, stress and anxieties might come in front. Relief will come as Saturn will be in the tenth house and its aspect will be on the fourth house with respect to the moon sign. Taurus natives should chant “Om Durgaya Namaha” daily 108 times.

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Mercury-ruled Gemini natives are intelligent and adaptable and for them May horoscope says they will get favorable results in their careers as Saturn will be in the ninth house and Jupiter will be in the eleventh house. Job opportunities will come their way as well.

More career benefits will come after 15th May, including overseas job opportunities. Business natives will get good benefits from their ventures and their partnerships as well. In academics Gemini natives will shine well due to the positions of Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, Sun, and Mercury. These planets are favorably placed.

Gemini natives will have positivity and happiness in their familial lives as planets are placed in their favors. However, Mars will be in the second house and that might give some issues. Love and marital lives of these natives will be good as Jupiter and Rahu are placed in the eleventh house. Due to Mars’s position some issues might come to the front in personal relationships.

Financially these natives might come across high expenses this month and that will be due to the position of Mars, and Ketu. However they might be able to earn and save money as Jupiter will be in the eleventh house. Sudden monetary gains will be there as Rahu will be in the eleventh house and that could be from an inheritance as well.

Business natives will get good profits during this month. Health must be given attention as Mars is placed in the first house and Ketu in the fifth house. Gemini natives might come across pain in shoulders and stress, but no major health issue will be there. Natives should chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 41 times.


For nurturing and compassionate Cancerians the May horoscope 2023 reveals they might face challenges in their careers as Jupiter is in the tenth house from the Moon sign. Saturn will be in the eighth house and Mars will be in the first house. Business natives might face competitions and profits might be average.

In terms of education these natives might come across challenges as Ketu will be in the fourth house and Saturn’s position is not that favorable as well. Due to the positions of Saturn, Ketu, and Jupiter, the familial lives of Cancer natives might face more issues and lesser harmony.

As the movements of planets are not favorably placed, love and marital life might face issues as well. Venus is in the twelfth house from the Moon signs and will move in the first house which might give gloomy results. Financial life might face disturbances due to the positions of Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu. Expenses might rise, and business natives might face competitions. So, it will be better for Cancer natives to operate their business ventures at a normal level.

As Ketu is in the fourth house, the Cancer natives might come across health-related issues such as tooth pain and irritation of eyes. Money might be spent on your mother’s health as well. Natives should observe fasting on Monday.


The May horoscope unveils that the brave and playful Leos will face good times career-wise due to the favorable position of Jupiter, and Saturn will be in the seventh house which might give some issues, but positive and progressive results will be there.

For business natives Jupiter’s favorable position will bless them with good profits. Students will get success in their academic area, and will move in their studies with fervor all thanks to positions of Jupiter and Saturn. Leos will have a happy family time due to the favorable positions of Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury.

Marital and love life will be brilliant for Leos and in harmony as well. From a viewpoint of finance, these natives will earn well due to the good positions of Jupiter, Mercury, and Sun. As Saturn will be in the seventh house, that might give rise to expenses.

Health-wise, Leos in the month of May will face no issues, as Jupiter will be favorably placed. Leo natives will enjoy great health but they might have to spend money on the health of their partner as Saturn will be in the seventh house and aspects the Moon sign. Natives should offer food to handicapped people on Sundays.


According to May horoscope, the orderly and organized Virgo natives will have positive results when it comes to their careers. Saturn will be in the sixth house and Mars will be in the eleventh house. These two planets will give good benefits to these natives.

Some issues in the career might come as Jupiter and Rahu will be in the eighth house, and Ketu will be in the second house. Good outcomes in career can be expected, and the business natives will be able to earn profits in moderate terms.

In the area of academics, mixed results will be there for Virgo students, as Mercury and Jupiter will be in the eighth house. Relief will be provided by Saturn as it will occupy the sixth house, Rahu in the eighth house, Ketu in the second house, and Mars as it will be in the eleventh house.

The familial lives of Virgo natives might suffer from confusion and some properly-related issues and that will be due to the positions of Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu. However, as Saturn will come in the sixth house, these issues will be dissipated and Venus will give good results as well.

May horoscope 2023 suggests that the love and marital life of Virgo natives might come across problems, differences and disputes due to the positions of Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu. Financially, expenses might be high during this month. Sometimes they might get uncontrollable, so planning ahead will be beneficial for these natives.

Presence of Saturn and Ketu will give these natives fluctuations in their financial lives. Business natives might not receive a good amount of profit this month as well. Health-wise no major issues will come. Minor disturbances like headache and digestion issues might be there. Natives should donate food to the poor on Wednesdays and worship Goddess Durga daily.

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According to May horoscope, the charming and harmonious Libra natives might come across disinterest and delays in their careers as Venus, Rahu and Ketu are not favorably placed. However, Jupiter will bless Libra natives and they will get great outcomes in their jobs.

Business natives will come across good profits, all thanks to Jupiter’s pious placement. In academics, progress will be there for Libra students due to Jupiter and Ketu’s favorable positions. Mercury will be in Aries which will give the Libra natives good results in their studies. Students studying overseas will get good outcomes as well.

As Rahu will be in the seventh house, and Ketu in the first house, and due to their effects, Libra natives might come across gloom and conflicts in their family lives. Venus and Mars are not favorably placed and their effects might cause these natives issues in familial relationships.

When it comes to marriage and love life of Libras then they might face variations in that area as Venus will be in the tenth house. Married Libra natives should move with understanding and clarity in their relationships. Financial lives of Libra natives might face variations as the position of Mars will give rise in expenses and Jupiter will help get financial relief.

Health status of Libra natives will also face variations and they might suffer from headaches, digestive problems, cold related issues, and allergies. The positions of Venus, Rahu and Ketu might be disadvantageous for these natives in terms of health. However, as Jupiter will come in the seventh house, relief in the health area will be there. Libras should chant “ Om Kethave Namaha” daily 41 times.


The Scorpio natives are driven and perceptive, and for them May horoscope says that they will come across mixed results in their careers as Saturn will be in the fourth house. Unsatisfaction and job relocation might be there as Jupiter will be in the sixth house. Business natives might make moderate profits during this month.

In the sphere of academics, the Scorpio natives will come across mixed outcomes due to the unfavorable positions of Jupiter and Mercury. From a viewpoint of family, the Scorpio natives might come to face disruptions due to the positions of Mars and Saturn.

Married and love lives of these natives might not be that harmonious as Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter are not favorably placed. Financial life will have mixed results, and expenses might increase as Ketu will be in the twelfth house, Jupiter in the sixth house, and Saturn will be in the fourth house.

Rahu in the sixth house will provide these natives with sudden monetary gains, this could be through loans or an inheritance. Thanks to Rahu, health will be better for Scorpio natives during this month. However, due to the placements of Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu, and Mars, the Scorpio natives might suffer from shoulders and ankles pains, headaches and digestive issues. These natives should read Hanuman Chalisa daily.


According to May horoscope 2023, the versatile and ambitious natives of Sagittarius will come across positive results in their careers as Saturn will be in the third house and Ketu in the eleventh house till October 2023. Job opportunities, promotions, and stability in their career will be there.

Another good sign is Jupiter will be in the fifth house and will give multiple benefits to these natives. In the area of academics positive outcomes will be there, due to the favorable positions of Mercury, Jupiter, and Ketu. Family life will be good, as Jupiter and Saturn are favorably placed.

Marital and love life of these natives will blossom with understanding and harmony during this month. As Saturn will be in the third house and Jupiter will be in the fifth house, the financial area will see gains. Overall health-wise the Sagittarius natives will have a good time in May and these natives should donate food to handicapped persons on Thursday.

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The natives of Capricorn are disciplined and determined and for them May horoscope says they will attain mixed outcomes in their careers. Saturn will be in the second house, Ketu in the tenth house, and Jupiter in the fourth house. Job opportunities will come their way.

The area of academics will require more effort as Rahu will be in the fourth house. Students studying overseas will get good benefits. Familial lives of Capricorn natives will face variations due to the positions of Jupiter and Rahu. To maintain harmony rapport must be maintained.

Love and marital life of Capricorn natives might come across differences, and disputes. Mars will be in the seventh house, which might not be good for these natives. From a financial standpoint, there will be both expenses and gains for these natives.

As Rahu will be with Jupiter in the fourth house, expenses might get uncontrollable and savings might be less. Business natives might face competitions and hindrances in their profits. No major health issues will be there, however they might suffer from headache and digestive issues. These natives should donate food to handicapped and beggars on Saturday.


According to May horoscope, the intelligent and inventive natives of Aquarius might face challenges and pressures in their careers as Saturn will be in the first house, and Jupiter will be in the third house. Business natives might face difficulties in gaining high profits during this month.

In academics these natives might face tough times due to the unfavorable positions of Jupiter, and Mercury. So, more focus and concentration will give better results. Familial lives of these natives might face differences, and disparity. Mutual understanding will be essential in order to maintain harmony.

Disturbances might come in love and marital lives, due to the unfavorable positions of Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu. Financially, times might get tough as Saturn and Ketu are not in positive positions. Natives should handle their money with careful consideration and planning.

May horoscope 2023 foretells that health issues such as digestive problems, backache, stress, and anxiety, might be there. These natives should avoid traveling for long distances as their legs might get rigid. It would be beneficial for these natives to recite Shani Chalisa every Saturday.

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The natives of Pisces are mystical and sensitive and for them May horoscope says they might face challenges in their careers as Rahu, Ketu, Saturn are not placed favorably. For business natives, this month might come with challenges and competitions.

In academics, Pisces natives might come across issues due to the unfavorable positions of Mercury, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, and Jupiter. Meditation and Yoga will be beneficial for Pisces students. Marital and love life might face issues due to the positions of planets. Adjustments will be needed to maintain harmony in relationships.

Challenges might come in their financial lives and expenses might increase. During this month, Pisces natives must show careful thought and planning in terms of finances. Health-wise issues might be there, as Mars, Rahu-Ketu, and Saturn are not favorably placed.

Stress, pain in legs and joints, toothache, eye irritations, and cough-related issues might be there. A balanced diet must be followed, and these natives should worship Lord Hanuman.

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