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Aries-Aries Compatibility

Aries Zodiac Sign

Compatibility between Aries and Aries is a relationship founded by fire, ignitedby fire and possibly, eventually, killed by fire. Mars, the warrior of the world,rules Aries, and it is no mistake that Mars was the Roman God of war. Brave andpioneering, Aries is like the legendary figure of a hero, but is there space inthe life of a typical Aries for more than one hero? Of all the zodiac signs, compatibilitywith Aries relies on a partner who is willing to let Aries lead.

It is easy to see why these two zodiacsare drawn to each other, since the indomitable spirit of Aries is shared by both.Aries is a cardinal symbol, but both of these individuals are still at the forefrontof the action. The physical attraction here was undoubtedly daunting to begin with,finding a kindred spirit in one another, and there would definitely be passion andfireworks in the bedroom. After the honeymoon period is over, however, compatibilitybetween Ariesand Aries must last, but how can these two continue to maintain such a tumultuousrelationship through the dull bits of life?

Where both partners need to be in control, as in this match between Aries and Aries, it's clear that there will be disagreements. The temper of an Aries is really asight to see, and when the compatibility between Aries and Aries does not go sowell, it will be known to the entire world. This relationship would yell and shoutin public, perhaps even resorting to physical aggression driven to the extremes,not those who conceal their differences behind a socially acceptable face. They 'regoing to threaten each other and continually try to get the upper hand, but whenthe rest of the world wonders how they stand together, it really works in a curiousway.

Aries and Aries Compatibility : An Expert View

The compatibility of Aries and Aries is a very clear relationship. Aries doesn't do words for sugar coating or beating around the bush, and every time, she'll sayit as it is.

This relationship can be one of the most complex, thrilling and spontaneous of allzodiac pairings when it does work. Two Aries individuals who are genuinely in lovewill share a passion that many of us never even get to feel by driving each otheron to greater and greater heights. However, some compromises are needed in orderto let the best of their mutual qualities show through. Although Aries demands towin and is always the zodiac king, Aries' compatibility in this partnership demandsthat the other partner be allowed to win or lead occasionally, only sometimes.

It helps if both partners can have their own hobbies and interests where they canshine, regardless of their fellow hero, in order to manage the inherent competitionof the relationship. Competition would still be clear if both partners are involvedin the same things. For the best form of compatibility between Aries and Aries,both partners should succeed in their own ways, in their own fields. This will helpto lower the temperature somewhat and, negating the less acceptable selfishness,will let the good side of all that enthusiasm come through.

Do you want to have an expert talk to you about your compatibility with Aries? Contact the zodiac experts right nowfor free.

Let us go back for a moment to the mythological hero: Aries and Aries are boundto battle, since it is in their very psyches. The problem is whether they are goingto fight each other, or whether they are going to team up and fight on the sameside. If both battle side by side, rather than with each other, this is an unstoppablepartnership. If not, compatibility between Aries and Aries could be doomed to amessy and very frightening end after all!

Aries and Aries Compatibility: In Terms of Love

If you want a committed long-term relationship between Aries and Aries, you willprobably need to make some adjustments each time. Given that you both love a goodfight sometimes, and you can have that outlet in each other for once without wearingout anyone else, it's a good setup in moderation.

The threat is that it will be a juggling act as well. To fire you up, you both needa certain amount of competition. Neither of you, however, are good at backing down,so be very careful how high you lift the stakes in the heat of the moment, and whatyou say.

More than anything, the quality of a relationship between Aries and Aries dependson giving and taking - something that none of you are really good at. You need asystem of sharing power in the long term, where you are each responsible for decisionsand choices in various areas of life, and have a rule not to interfere with the 'domain' of other people. Your relationship would become one major power strugglewithout it, which is clearly inefficient.

Though the sky's the limit, if you can channel your energy as a couple, and whenworking as a team, Aries-Aries is a very powerful match. Your weaknesses, especiallyyour control problems, impatience, comfort with risk taking, inability to take advice,and a lack of practicality, are also exacerbated on the flip side. A fairly normaldegree of crisis can be predicted, but neither of you can see it as a negative thing.

Aries and Aries Compatibility: In terms of Intimacy

Since they still have more important lessons, sexual life for Aries does not comefirst. And it's not a matter of mutual indifference, but of the fact that thereis virtually no time for intimacy under conditions of high social activity. Thisdoes not mean, however, that they have no affection, and does not preclude themfrom becoming successful lovers of each other. The desire to feel a partner andfulfil his desires speaks of Aries and Aries' high harmony in bed. The passion andopenness of their nature provide them with an intimate life that is interestingand flexible.

This side of life is made almost perfect by the similarity of temperaments. If oneof the partners begins to pull the blanket over, trouble may occur, as in principlehappens to members of other zodiac signs. The man of the Aries wants praise fromhis wife and appreciation of his male skill. And if a woman demonstrates wisdomin this matter and recognises submission as an aspect of the game, in sexual equivalence,she will be entirely thanked. Stubborn people may also find compromise by agreeingto alternative leadership in bed.

Aries and Aries Compatibility : In terms of Family

Aries respect integrity and openness in family life, which enables them to pronouncemutual statements and pursue their solution jointly. Resourcefulness and the capacityto forgive have a positive influence on experiences. Additional reasons for thecloser cohesion between wayward partners are the birth and further treatment ofthe offspring. Despite Aries' strong compatibility with Aries in marriage, happinessand peace are just dreams in their relationships. The mismatch of plans or perspectiveson children's upbringing can turn into noisy scandals. By the way, close relatives,since they sometimes experience tension between them, are clearly not content withtheir union. And they are envious at the same time: the passions burning betweenthem are often brighter than in the most thrilling love series.

The good news is that people get to know each other better over time, mutual respectis born, they learn to pursue ways to compromise, and there is a weakening of resistanceto claims. It all has its pros and cons. And if, through this lens, we considertheir union, Aries' harmony with Aries in family life is more positive than negative.Also volatile characters and stormy emotional bursts play a positive role, not causingpartners to die of monotonous life and boredom. Via conflict, relationships oftenevolve, and members of the fiery elements know this better than anyone.

Aries and Aries Compatibility: In terms of Business

Representatives of the zodiac's first sign will earn cash, have superhuman productivityand stamina, hate laziness and profanity. Therefore, the workplace compatibilityof Aries and Aries can be very advantageous and give positive results: mutual gainwould be given by the business union. Channeled in one direction, their energy andimagination will transform mountains, as they do not back out when others give up.The business relationship is likely to disintegrate in the event that rivalry occursbetween Aries. Their lack of diplomacy and foresight is another pitfall of sucha partnership, which is also the reason for the joint project's failure.

The compatibility of Aries with Aries in friendship is optimum. The friendly relationshipsbetween this sign's members are focused on the similarities of values and viewpointsand only grow stronger over the years. Aries are never bored with each other, therisk of conflict situations is reduced by transparency, integrity and lack of reciprocalcommitments. The relationship between them, therefore, is more optimistic than loverelationships, and may last until the end of life. They build their relationshipson integrity and mutual confidence as opponents of gossip and omissions. The activedesire of one of them to take the dominant role may be a potential cause for thecessation of friendship.


1. Who is most likely to be a happy partner with Aries?

The most compatible signs with Aries are generally considered to be Gemini, Leo,Sagittarius and Aquarius. The least compatible signs with Aries are generally consideredto be Cancer and Capricorn.

2. What is the element of Aries Zodiac?

Aries natives are Fire signs.

3. Which planet governs the aries people?

Mars governs the aries zodiac sign.

4. Are aries trustworthy?

Aries are very internally calculative in nature. Being trusted is a natural highfor an Aries. Not only are they trustworthy, but also very trusting.

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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

» Monthly Aries Horoscope

February, 2025
For Aries natives, this month will hold a mixed bag of outcomes. As the Sun moves into your eleventh house on February 12, yo...

These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

» Yearly Aries Horoscope

Year 2025
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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

» Aries Characteristics

Aries is ruled by Mars, which shows a brave and spirited route through life. A person born under Aries loves beauty, art and ...

» Aries Facts

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Lucky colors: Blue, Blue-green
Lucky Day: Friday, Tuesday and Sat...

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» Aries Compatibility

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