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Home » Festival » Ekadashi » Papamochani EkadashiModified: January 31, 2017

Papamochani Ekadashi 2017: Eradicator Of All Sins And Evil Spirits

Papamochani Ekadashi 2017 Date

24 th

March 2017


The joyous day of Papamochani Ekadashi will be celebrated on 24 March 2017. Fast is observed by the devotees to get rid from their all the past sins. On this day, Lord Vishnu is worshipped so that the influence of evil spirits can be eliminated. To know more details about this festival, read on..

Papamochani Ekadashi

Papamochani Ekadashi 2017 fast will save influence of evil spirits The Ekadashi that falls in the dark fortnight of the Hindu month Chaitra is known as Papamochani Ekadashi. It is said that if someone has full faith in and observes the Papamochani Ekadasi fast with firm faith and devotion, he/she gets awarded by the qualities like attaining perfection in life, gets purified from all the sins, and all the desires get fulfilled.

It is also said that the Papamochani Ekadashi also helps one to get rid of the influence of evil spirits or demons. Papamochani Ekadashi Vrat is considered important of all the fasts that are observed. Lord Vishnu is the deity to be worshiped on the day of Papamochani Ekadasi.

Before we go ahead and observe the fast of Papamochani Ekadashi, let’s take a look at the rituals of the Papamochani Ekadashi, to be followed.

Papamochani Ekadashi : Fasting Rituals

While observing the fast on Papamochani Ekadashi, follow the below mentioned rituals for completing your fast for the day. Let’s take a look at how the Papamochani Ekadashi Vrat (fast) should be completed.

As per the rituals of the Papamochani Ekadashi fast, a devotee should observe a full day fast. Along with this, the devotees worship sing the hymns of and chant the Some gatherings are also organized at the temples to follow the rituals of Papamochani Ekadasi. At such gatherings, the chapters from Bhagavad Gita are recited. It is believed that all such things help devotees to get protected from all sins and evil spirits. The ending of the Papamochani Ekadashi Vrat is then done on the next morning i.e. Dwadashi.

Legend Of Papamochani Ekadashi

As per the legend, the chief of all the Gandharvas (heavenly musicians) came to a forest along with the heavenly dancing girls. Lord Indra also came to the forest and all the Gandharvas, heavenly dancing girls & other gods were enjoying the environment of the forest. There was a sage named Medhavi, who was performing penance.

There was a beautiful dancing girl named Manjughosha. She liked the young sage - Medhavi, and wished to spend time with him. Hence, she decided to disturb the sage. She started singing and dancing to break the penance of the sage, Medhavi.

When the sage heard the beautiful songs of Manjughosha, he broke his meditation and got attracted toward her beauty. The sage and the Manjughosha stayed together for 57 years, but the sage used to believe as if only one night has been spent with the girl.

Once when Manjughosha asked the sage that she wishes to go back to heaven, at that time the sage realized that he has spent 57 years with the girl and lost all his austerity and did not worship all through the time. The sage became angry and cursed the girl that she will always wander like an evil ghost and will never get peace.

However, on a request and apology of Manjughosha, he asked her to get rid of the sin by observing the fast of Papamochani Ekadasi. Along with this, he also realized that he has also committed the sin of breaking the meditation in between. Hence, the sage also observed the fast of Papamochani Ekadashi.

Hopefully, all this information on Papamochani Ekadasi will help you getting the best will help you getting the best outcomes along with the removal of sins that you have committed. Also, this fast motivates not to commit any other sins.

AstroSage wishes you a blessed Papamochani Ekadashi!

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