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All About Zodiac Astrology

About Zodiac Astrology

A science often mispelt as superstition Astrology is indeed a science , that explains how the celestial bodies primarily the planets and stars affect our lives and play a significant role in deciding what destiny gives us. For years this science has been used by learned men to guide people to achieve their desired goal. Out of the various kinds of Astrological analysis, zodiac astrology has become really popular these days .The obvious question for those new to subject would definitely be what is zodiac Astrology. For this let us understand what zodiac is.

The word Zodiac literally means animals and refers to the configurations of creatures formed on a twinkling starry night. Sun signs or Zodiac signs are also called as Star signs and they represent the position of the Sun when the native was born. The people of the Western countries usually talk about their sun signs whereas the Indians deal with their moon signs. There are 12 Zodiac signs altogether and it is a person's date of birth that decides which zodiac sign he or she belongs to. Now coming to zodiac astrology and its significance.

Principles of Zodiac Astrology

Zodiac Astrology is all about the Zodiac predictions. You can see the zodiac each day anywhere in the cloudless night sky.

Followers of Zodiac Astrology use the tropical abstract Zodiac that works on the belief that the Sun comes to the same point vernal equinox.

  • In the Zodiac astrology one sign can cover up to three houses.
  • Planets Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, and even Chiron are considered in Zodiac Astrology predictions.
  • The Zodiac astrology attaches great importance to the position of the Sun in a specific sign (it is there for one month).

Importance of Zodiac Astrology

A zodiac sign of a person speaks volumes about a person's personality trait, his basic characteristics and nature. So we have this habit of asking people their zodiac sign the moment we know them a little better. It becomes easy to form a perception about people going through their Zodiac traits. A Leo may be a born leader whereas a Piscean may be dreamy about life. The 12 zodiac signs not only tell us about our past, present and future they also help us explore deeper into the meaning of life.

Using Zodiac astrology one cannot just understand physical traits but can also get a glimpse into zodiac sign compatibility. Which signs are compatible and which generally not, help making important decisions like choosing a spouse or maybe even friends employees etc. A day to day forecast talking about what your days going to be like to weekly monthly and yearly ones using Zodiac signs in Astrology have often proved genuine and credible. . Based on the date of birth using Zodiac Astrology method of prediction, astrology can give you an alarmingly accurate portrait of your temperament.

Each Zodiac signs is also grouped into elements. Considering these elements is very important when doing a compatibility test in Zodiac Astrology.. Astrologists believe each person is compatible or incompatible with others dependant on their birth dates. To determine this compatibility, your element group is compared to the various other element groups inside the zodiac chart.

Symbols and Elements used in Zodiac Astrology

Zodiac signs are mostly represented using symbols of animals or people. Talking literally the word zodiac means "circle of animals". Each thirty degrees segment of the zodiac circle represents the one zodiac sign.

It's easy to find out your Zodiac sign without much of an analysis or effort. Your zodiac sign is that in which the sun was at the time of the year when you were born. If you are born on dates on which a zodiac starts you show strong characteristics of that sign, in case the dates mark the end or transition from one zodiac to another you make a cusp( which is another very interesting aspect especially used predicting personality traits using Zodiac Astrology). Since the pattern is predictable and the Sun is in a particular zodiac for a specific amount of time, we get an order that is: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces (The twelve Zodiac signs in zodiac Astrology).

Planets or the ruler of the zodiac sign

The twelve signs of the zodiac are all linked by a planet that is also called the ruler of the planet. We have all the twelve signs of zodiac in our horoscope but their effect is determined by the positions of the planets in the signs.

Twelve zodiac Signs and the ruling Planets

Here we have a list of planets associated with the twelve Zodiac sign; this will help you in understanding predictions made by followers of Zodiac Astrology:

  • Aries-Mars
  • Taurus-Venus
  • Gemini-Mercury
  • Cancer-Moon
  • Leo-Sun
  • Virgo-Mercury
  • Libra-Venus
  • Scorpio-Mars and Pluto
  • Sagittarius-Jupiter
  • Capricorn-Saturn
  • Aquarius-Saturn and Uranus
  • Pisces-Jupiter and Neptune

Zodiac sign and Elements

Besides this for believers of Zodiac Astrology, elements are vital too .Here it is important to know what are the elements that are considered. The important elements are:

  • Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius belong to this category. The element fire desires freedom of action, the power to follow their will.
  • Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius belong to the air element. Like Fire air also desires freedom but the freedom of thought, expression and movement.
  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are considered to be Earth signs. The element desires physical security.
  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are all Water Signs. Like Earth these signs also desire security but they desire emotional security rather than physical.

Along with the elements our signs are associated with modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) and Polarity (Positive and negative).

Use Zodiac Astrology to your advantage, getting to know your daily, weekly and yearly predictions. In case you wish to know more about Zodiac Astrology here's an interesting set of books that you could find useful:

  • Linda Goodman's
  • Aspects in Astrology- Sue Tompkins
  • The only Astrology Book you'll ever need- Joanna Martine Woolfolk
  • Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements-Stephen Arroyo

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