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Chinese Horoscope 2018 - Year Of The Dog

Know your 2018 Chinese predictions, but how? Aren't you aware of Chinese Astrology? What has Chinese Horoscope 2018 stored for you?

To quench all such doubts of our readers, we at AstroSage have come up to enlighten you all with the Chinese zodiacs and their consequential impact on the lives of the people. According to the Chinese Calendar, the Chinese Horoscope 2018 depicts the year of Dog Earth and in accordance with the chinese predictor, the Chinese new year starts from 16th of February 2018.

Based on the Chinese lunar calendar, Chinese Astrology was laid down by the Han Dynasty, when relationship between humans and animals started. Also known as Sheng Xiao, the Chinese zodiacs pivots around a 12 year cycle, such that each year represents a particular animal as the zodiac sign. The 12 zodiac signs includes Rat, Tiger, Ox, Dragon, Rabbit, Snake, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Horse and Sheep. Chinese zodiac signs lay an additional insight into the human characteristics and behaviour. Predictions based on the Chinese birth calendar gives us a broad view of our personality traits. Chinese zodiac possesses 12 part cycle which are bifurcated into years rather than months. According to Chinese Astrology, the animals typifying a particular year decides your disposition towards others and how others perceive you. If we contemplate the Chinese Culture, Chinese zodiac is an essential aspect of it. Even today, millions of people in China believe in the predictions of the Chinese Astrology. The animal signs used as zodiac signs in the Chinese Culture have been well illustrated in the stories and folklore. Western Astrology deals in the planetary movements to make out a person’s destiny, but Chinese Astrology decides the character and traits of a person on the basis of the animal signs.

One can determine his/her animal sign by referring to the year of their birth.

Mandarins believe that the animal governing your birth year leaves a considerable impact on your destiny, relationships and your personality.

If you are not aware of your Chinese zodiac sign, please click here: Chinese Zodiac Calculator

Rat Chinese Horoscope for 2018

Chinese zodiac sign RatDo what you love and success will follow automatically. 2018 Chinese astrology suggests that this is your year, so grab all opportunities that come your way. You will work hard to accomplish your dreams. As per the prediction, your love life will be very interesting this year. You will meet new people and might get romantically involved with someone. Life will find a whole new meaning will that special one beside you. Hold the moment and live it to the fullest. Your work schedule will be hectic but you have to be extra creative to shine at work. As far as your finances are concerned it is suggested that you plan your expenses well ahead to avoid any sort of trouble in future. You will spend time with your family and friends, which will rejuvenate you. Together you all will have a good time. There will be laughter and love around. You will grow and progress in life. People close to you will be pleased to have you around.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Rat Chinese Zodiac

Ox/Cow - 2018 Chinese Astrology

Chinese zodiac sign Ox/Cow The year beacons you to learn new things as you will succeed in whatever you take up. People postponing their workouts and exercise routines, this is the time to pick up again. Discard all excuses and brace yourself for a new start. You can also take up yoga and meditation to achieve mental peace. Online dating seems to be a beneficial choice for you this year. You might meet a new friend through this medium. Love will bloom and you will feel that sheer presence of your partner can give you contentment and bliss. As per Chinese horoscope for 2018, you might plan a vacation with your partner during this time. The year sees you financially stable and sufficient. However, you must change your working style in order to earn more profits. It looks like you will go for a job change and it is likely to benefit you. Take a break and indulge in some recreational and leisure activities. You should take proper rest and leave your worries behind. Odds are in your favour; use them to your advantage.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Ox Chinese Zodiac

Tiger Predictions for Year of Dog

Chinese zodiac sign TigerAstrology predicts that this year is going to be a good and fruitful for you. However, it is suggested that you should keep your mind and body stable to ensure success. You will be keen to find love. Looks like you will look for new partners. However, do not cheat on your lover as it will not be beneficial for you. Love gives you a lot but only expect faithfulness in return. Careerwise, you will have to go out of your way to make things work. Also, you will make many sacrifices to make your standing strong at work. This year will increase your expenses manyfold, suggests the Chinese New Year 2018 horoscope. It advised for you to exercise caution while spending money. Reckless spending will lead to arguments and stress. Things might seem a little difficult for a while but do not give up. You will achieve your goals with hard work and perseverance. So don’t think, just act to get what you have always been dreaming to achieve. Your time is here.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Tiger Chinese Zodiac

Rabbit in the Year of the Dog

Chinese zodiac sign RabbitLife will present itself to you in a fast forward manner. You will not get any time to sort things out as per your comfort and pace. So start working to match your speed with the pace life is ready to throw at you. Time is good to implement plans that you have been procrastinating. Stars tell you to work towards fitness and health. Put in effort to loss weight. Stay alert and aware and work taking the hints that life offers you with. Your love life will require your effort and time. Do not hesitate if the situation asks for a compromise. Chinese horoscope of 2018 suggests you to trust yourself and your partner. After the bumpy ride, a smooth and long road awaits you and your partner. Things will get delayed at the work front but you will have to be patient. There is a probable job change which will fetch you more income. Just go with the flow and let things take its course.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Rabbit Chinese Zodiac

Dragon Predictions - 2018 Year of Dog

Chinese zodiac sign DragonAn amazing year is upon you. This year will bring success, warmth and love in your life. Keep a positive attitude towards life and success will follow. Start playing a sport; it will benefit you immensely. Your physical well being should be your priority. Love and warmth will entwine you this year. However try to avoid giving in to the temptations of one night stands. Faithfulness will ensure that you continue to enjoy your relationship. As per the Chinese astrology for 2018, you will be at the edge career wise. This will encourage you to work harder, which will result in you achieving great heights. Financially, however, you are advised to be careful while spending. Controlled expenditure will ensure good savings and therefore a safe future. Happiness will prevail and you will find love and support from family and friends. Spending time with your family will relax you and gear you up to face the challenges that life offers.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Dragon Chinese Zodiac

Snake Forecast - 2018 Year of the Dog

Chinese zodiac sign SnakePeople belonging to the Snake sign should prepare themselves for a spontaneous year. This year will be full of unexpected twists and surprises. So brace yourself for the ride. You will be burdened with lot of work, which might affect your health. While you should work hard to face this challenge, it is advised to take care of your health during this time. Make time to meditate, and get regular with your workouts and exercises. Keep your emotions under check as it might create trouble for you. Too much emotion can blur your vision. If you have been planning to change your job, no other time would be more apt. Go for it and you will succeed. Financial matters require you to be intelligent here, suggest 2018 Chinese horoscope. While you must be careful spending money, it is also suggested that you save simultaneously. Overall the year will be very interesting and fruitful for you.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Snake Chinese Zodiac

Horse in Chinese New Year 2018

Chinese zodiac sign HorseYou are an active person and this year too will see you full of energy and passion. However, you must keep your energy balanced and focus it in the right direction. This year will be challenging for you with lots of high and low moments. Try to enjoy every moment and make the best of both good and bad. There will be many temptations which might disrupt your love life. But as the famous saying goes, “all that glitters is not gold” will be applied to you here. So be very careful and don’t give in to your attractions. Your partner’s trust is a precious gem; keep it safe. Try to strike a balance at work, suggests 2018 year of the Dog predictions. While being complacent can be destructive, overdoing something is also not good. It is likely that you will progress if you approach your problems with a positive outlook. Have faith and don’t try to control everything.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Horse Chinese Zodiac

Sheep/Goat/Ram - 2018 Chinese Horoscope

Chinese zodiac sign Sheep/Goat/RamPeople of this Zodiac will witness a year of changes. You might find it difficult to adapt yourself initially, but you will be benefitted in long run. Never underestimate the power of your instinct. Keep your mind focussed and develop your instinct. It will guide you through tough times. Challenges in love life are likely, predicts 2018 year of Dog. Your relationship requires patience and communication. With these elements, your love life will get back on track. Careerwise, you will see a hectic routine. Try to avoid unnecessary arguments at work. Time is conducive to attempt new things. Any new attempt will surely succeed. Financially you will earn a lot of profits, however, do not spend lavishly. Your expenses should only be for necessary items. Try to do everything in moderation. The year comes with great prospects for you. Enjoy and live your life with no fear.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Sheep Chinese Zodiac

Monkey Predictions for Chinese Astrology 2018

Chinese zodiac sign MonkeyThis year will be yours if you follow your heart. Intuition is your buzz word here. Try to focus and use your intuitive skills for your advantage. Life will pose challenges; stay calm and think before acting. You will succeed and prosper in life. The year looks really promising for your love life. Your relation will grow into a strong bond. Love will bloom into your life with a promise to stay. You will get accomplished and grow professionally. Your friendly behavior will be rendered highly beneficial for you. So socialise and make friends. It will have a positive effect on your personal life too. Financially, this year will unburden you. As per the predictions of year of the Dog, this is the time to clear pending debts and bills. Pick up a hobby and indulge in other recreational activities. Relax and enjoy whatever comes your way. Do not fret over the past, it will do no good. Look ahead and move on in life.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Monkey Chinese Zodiac

Rooster Forecast for Chinese 2018 Horoscope

Chinese zodiac sign Monkey This year bring a variety of flavors for you. The important thing is to enjoy every flavor with same zest and zeal. You will go through tough times and will be asked to make difficult choices. Make well thought off decisions and be prepared to face the consequences of your choice. If you stand firm and stick to your decision, difficulties will be eliminated. Your partner will seek your attention and love. Talk and spend time with each other, suggests Chinese astrology for 2018. The love and warmth in your relationship will give you a sense strength and stability. Careerwise, this time is fruitful for you. Give your best in every assignment you take. When you love what you do, success follows you. Your finances look good this year. While your income might take a hit initially but will raise eventually. Spending recklessly should be avoided and savings must be encouraged. Focus on your long term goals rather than the short term.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Rooster Chinese Zodiac

Dog Predictions for its own year 2018

Chinese zodiac sign DogComing year is going to be excellent for you. You will be focused and determined to achieve your goals. You are strong willed and this quality of yours will help you surpass all obstacles. Chinese horoscope for 2018 suggests that you are energetic and it is important to use that energy constructively. Focus and let you energy be channelised in the direction you wish to proceed. You will see your relationship change. This sudden change will test your love for each other. Stay strong and stay together and this too shall pass. Tough times only make us better and stronger. Do not hesitate to work hard because sooner or later you will get positive results. Financially, this year is going to be exceptionally good for you. You will spend lavishly but also manage to save for your future. Overall, this year is favorable for you. Do not doubt yourself and move ahead with confidence.

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Dog Chinese Zodiac

Pig/Boar - Life in 2018 Year of the Dog

Chinese zodiac sign Pig/BoarThis year will approach with a promise to make life easier for you. The year brings love, happiness and tranquility for you. Your love life will hit a rough patch temporarily. Stay together and tackle each challenge one by one. You shall find your way out of it. Work life will be good. It is however advised, you work on your skills to improve your performance. Polishing your skills will increase your confidence levels and you be ready for bigger challenges. Make contacts and expand your network. It will be an extra bonus for you. Opportunities will knock your door; do not miss any of them. These opportunities will open doors for many possibilities, which will benefit you.Your finances look good this year as your income will increase. Any extra expenses should be avoided during this period. Enjoy your life and give your best in all your attempts, suggests Chinese horoscope for 2018.

Know all the basic details about Chinese astrology here: About Chinese Astrology

Read Detailed Chinese Horoscope 2018: Pig Chinese Zodiac

What Is The Dog Year In Chinese Astrology?

Chinese Dog year is the year dedicated to the Chinese Dog zodiac sign. Dog is the eleventh zodiac sign in Chinese Astrology. Every year is governed by a Chinese zodiac. Some of the Chinese Dog years are: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030. People born in these years have the zodiac sign Dog.

The year for each Chinese zodiac repeats every 12 years. Chinese Year 2019 belongs to the Pig zodiac (also known as Boar).

By predicting the uncertain future, Chinese Astrology gives you an assurance to succeed. It lends you the much needed support and guides you through troubled times. Accompanied with your hard work and will power, it creates pure magic. Faith makes everything possible; so have faith in yourself and on your stars. You have a long way to cover. So, enjoy the journey with Chinese horoscope 2018.

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