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Lunar Eclipse 2017: When the Earth shrouds the Moon with its shadow

Partial lunar eclipse 2017 will take place on Monday, August 7. This lunar eclipse will be affecting Shravana Nakshatra within the sign Capricorn. Those who have a malefic Moon in their birth-chart will be subjected to most troubles and problems. The lunar eclipse which falls on Monday is called Chudamani, and performing Puja, yajna, charity, etc. on this day is considered to be very fruitful.

Lunar Eclipse 2017

When and what time is lunar eclipse in 2017?

This year in 2017, we will witness 2 Lunar eclipses (Chandra Grahan).

Date Type Beginning time Ending Time Observation Visibility in India Visibility Regions
7 August 2017 Partial Lunar Eclipse 22:52 24:48:00 Can be easily spotted with the naked eyes Yes India, Europe, North America, Africa, Australia & East of Asia

What is Sutak?

The period before the Lunar Eclipse is considered very inauspicious, as it is believed that the Earth’s atmosphere is filled with negative energy. This inauspicious period is termed as Sutak and is also known as Ashouch. There are certain Do’s and Don’ts to be followed during the time of Sutak to nullify its ill-effects.

The time of the day is divided into Prahars, and the 24 hour difference in two consecutive sunrise can roughly estimated to be consisting of 8 Prahars, which makes the duration of one prahar almost equal to 3 hours. The Sutak period for Chandra Grahan is 3 prahars that lasts for about 9 hours before the Lunar Eclipse. If a Grahan is not visible from a place, then Sutak is not considered from that place. The Sutak period ends as soon as the Eclipse is over.

The effect of Lunar Eclipse on all the zodiac signs

  • Aries- Monetary gains and growth opportunities are on the cards. You would find new sources of income. Career and business would have positive growth. You would be satisfied and cheerful.
  • Taurus- Long distance travel can be troublesome. There will be a struggle to get name and fame. Being stressed can increase the problem. There can also be differences with your father.
  • Gemini- The possibility of sudden loss is there. Having a health related disorder would add to your problems. Defamation can also happen, further causing troubles in your life.
  • Cancer- Disputes may create problems in your marital life. Life partner may have to face hardship. Misunderstandings are possible in business partnerships.
  • Leo- Your enemies would not stand a chance against you. Desired goals would be achieved. There would be a sense of happiness in mind. Possibility of success is on the cards.
  • Virgo- You may have some hurdles which would create obstruction in education. Love relationships can be troubled by misunderstandings. Issues related to children can also be a problem.
  • Libra - Mother's health might be affected. There can be small disputes in family. Your mind would be devoid of happiness and satisfaction.
  • Scorpio- The Chandra Grahan may lay the foundation of glory as hard work and efforts would be rewarded. Trips may prove beneficial. There is a possibility of profit and advancement in the work area. Strength and bravery would increase.
  • Sagittarius- There is a possibility of money loss. There can be a dispute between family members.Your speech would be harsh and bitter. Your eating habits may worsen the situation.
  • Capricorn- Be cautious while driving because there is a possibility of accident. Health and body related troubles can bother you. Mental stress can increase the problems in your life.
  • Aquarius- Health related disorders might trouble you. There is a probability of financial losses. Mental stress and negative cash flow may increase the hassle.
  • Pisces- There is a possibility of getting a financial boost. Social prestige would increase. Cooperation of your friends and loved ones would brighten your life. There is a possibility of success in the work area.

Things to do during Sutak

  • Sutak is a period associated with negative energy so a person should keep himself involved in positive activities to neutralize it.
  • The best things to do is to remember God and meditate.
  • Tulsi leaves must be added to the food prepared before the Grahan in order to make it safe for consumption after the Sutak period is over.

Things to avoid during Sutak

  • Eating anything is strictly prohibited during the Sutak period of the Chandra Grahan that lasts for about 9 hours, but sick people, children and old people are exempted from this rule. For them, this period is limited to 3 hours.
  • Activities like urination, defecation, cutting nails, brushing teeth, bathing, etc. are strictly forbidden.
  • Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors and not look at the Grahan.
  • Chanting Santana Gopala Stotram is considered recommended for pregnant women. Also, they should stay away from indulging in activities like knitting, sewing, peeling vegetables, etc.

Things to know about Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan)

  • Unlike a Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse live can be seen with naked eyes. Using telescope and binoculars might help to observe the details.
  • The Antumbra causes Annular Solar Eclipses but there is no type of Lunar eclipse that occurs due to Antumbra. The reason behind this is that the distance between the Earth and the Moon, and the difference in their diameters is not large enough to make the Earth’s Antumbra fall on the Moon.
  • As the Moon orbits the Earth and complete a revolution every month, some of you may think why we don’t experience such celestial events every month. The question is logical and comes up with a logical answer too. The fact is that the Orbit of the Moon around the Earth is about 5° tilted to the plane of the Earth's orbit due to which it does not always come in the vicinity of Earth’s shadow.

Rituals for Lunar Eclipse

People observe fasts on the day of Lunar Eclipse to negate the ill effects of the negative energy released at the time of Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse. Remedies of Moon, Chandra puja and Chandra Mantra form a major part of the rituals of the day. A bath is recommended to be taken at the time when the Chandra Grahan is over.

Types of Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse can take form of three different Eclipses, depending upon the position and expansion of Earth’s shadow on the Moon. The Earth can cast a shadow on the Moon in different ways as the Earth’s shadow consists of 3 different parts:

  1. Umbra- This is the central part of the Earth’s shadow that is very dark and extends up to 1.4 million km.
  2. Penumbra- It is the outer part of the Earth’s shadow that is lighter as compared to the Umbra.
  3. Antumbra- It is the lighter part outside the Umbra, and exists only if the source has a very large diameter in comparison to the diameter of the object. This does not cause any type of lunar Eclipse, but plays an important role in causing Annular Solar Eclipses.
Type (English) Type (Hindi) Part of Earth’s Shadow Observing the Grahan Description
Total Lunar Eclipse Purna Chandra Grahan Umbra The Moon appears red. (Blood Moon) It occurs when the Moon is completely covered by the Earth’s shadow and thus, the rays of the Sun do not reach the Moon. The Moon may still appear red (Blood Moon) due to the fact that even after blocking the direct Sun rays, the Earth’s atmosphere lights up the moon by refracting the Sunlight from the its atmosphere. It occurs only on a New Moon Day.
Partial Lunar Eclipse Anshik Chandra Grahan Umbra Easy to spot and can be observed with the naked eye. It occurs when the Moon is partially covered by the Earth’s shadow, and some part of the Moon is still visible from the Earth.
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Upchhaya Chandra Grahan Penumbra The Moon appears blur and dim, and cannot be easily observed with the naked eye. It is a special type of Lunar Eclipse which occurs when the Moon falls into the vicinity of the Earth’s Penumbra. It is not considered as an actual Lunar Eclipse by some people as the Moon is still visible and is only partially blurred by the Earth’s Penumbra.

Chandra Grahan Or Lunar Eclipse Mantra

Om Kshirputrayay Vidmahe Amrit Tatvaaye Dheemahi Tanno Chandrah Prachodayat ||

We, here at Astrosage, wish that no Grahan can ever dim off the happiness and prosperity from your life.

Read Other Zodiac Sign Horoscope 2017

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