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Shradh 2017

Shradh 2017 Shraddha is the time to pay tribute to our ancestors. It is the time to thank those who died before you could thank them. Shraddha is the time when you can send your feelings to them. Yes, it is all true. That is why, AstroSage has developed this article on Shraddha to help our readers find the way of salvation for themselves as well as their loved ancestors.

Shraddha 2017 is falling from September 5 to September 19, 2017. Shradh dates fall within the 15 days of Ashwin months of Krishna Paksha. However, it is Bhadrapad Krishna Paksha in Gujarat. This time is known as Shraddha Paksha as well as Mahalaya Paksha. These days are considered for the remembrance and Tarpan of our ancestors and saints. Shradha is – “Shradhaya Yata Kriyata Tat”, which means ‘something that is offered with devotion is known as Shradha.’ Ancestors, who put their endeavor for our welfare, who worked throughout their whole lives for us, we should remember them with faith. And, in whatever Yoni they are, we should pray for their happiness and peace. All these things are possible by doing Pind Daan as well as Tarpan. When soul goes away leaving its body, then it's smallest of the smallest part wanders around everywhere and they get salvation as per their deeds. Unsatisfied souls keep on wandering around. However, souls who get their Shradh done properly at places like Gaya, Prayag, Ujjain and allied places, goes to heaven. This proves that a Shraddha performed with proper procedure recommended by Shastras is considered as the effective Shradha.

Shraddha Dates in 2017

  • 05 September 2017 – Purnima Shradh
  • 06 September 2017 – Pratipada Shraddha
  • 07 September 2017 – Dwitiya Shraddha
  • 08 September 2017 – Tritiya Shradh/Chaturthi Shradh
  • 09 September 2017 – Panchami Shraddha
  • 10 September 2017 – Shashthi Shradh
  • 11 September 2017 – Saptami Shraddha
  • 12 September 2017 – Ashtami Shradh
  • 13 September 2017 – Navami Shradh
  • 14 September 2017 – Dashami Shraadh
  • 15 September 2017 – Ekadashi Shradha
  • 16 September 2017 – Dwadashi Shradha
  • 17 October 2017 – Trayodashi Shradh
  • 18 October 2017 – Chaturdashi Shraddha
  • 19 October 2017 – Pitru Amavasya Shradh

Shraddha is the time when you remember the souls of your ancestors and pray for their salvation, if in any case they are still wandering around. Shraddha is the way of thanking your ancestors’ souls and paying a small tribute in exchange of whatever they did for our lives.

Glory of Shraddha

Shraddha is not just a day to donate lumps of grains, it has a deep spiritual as well as philosophical meaning. If take from spiritual point of view, by performing Shraddha via reciting proper Mantras, you gratify the dead souls of your ancestors. This way they bless us. On the other hand, a Shradha is the chance to distribute your wealth in society in some form to help needy. Poors get food on this day. So, overall this day has its special significance. This day helps in enhancing the righteousness in our nature. Additionally, it takes us closer to God.

Apart from poors, Brahmins are also fed, as it is believed that anything fed to Brahmins this day directly goes to the departed souls. There are many other things too for offering to our dead ancestors, such as clothes. As Shraddha is the time to pay tribute to the dead ones, buying new articles and getting a haircut is strictly prohibited during this period. On the day of Shradha, women don’t wash their hair, men don’t even shave. Apart from these, auspicious ceremonies are also not performed during this time.

Shradha ceremony also helps the soul to pursue a better life in next birth.

How Shradh Food Reaches Our Ancestors?

Shraddh food does not reach practically to the souls. Basically, they take the essence of food. No matter if you are feeding a Brahmin, a poor, or a orphan. They get the essence. However, if you feed needy people like poor and orphans, the ancestors indirectly receive the blessings you get by feeding the poor. This helps in moving them closer to salvation.

Food is donated by taking an oath that you are not doing these deeds for your own self. It is all for your ancestors.

What If Ancestors Have Already Taken Birth?

Then, your Shraddha will bless them in their new life. They will live a happy life with the blessings from past life too.

We hope this article must have answered many of your questions. With this belief, we hope you get blessed from Almighty as well as ancestors.

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