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Numerology 2012

Numerology 2012: Year 2012 for each Numerology Number

Numerology 2012

Numerology is an occult science of truths and facts hidden within cryptic utterances of the ancient Sages of India. The ancients camouflaged their scientific findings within tough slokas. It requires deep researches on the Hindu Vedas, Upanishads, and observances, to decode and reveal the Essence of Numerology there from.

Well, we've made things simple for you .See what our distinguished teams of numerologists have to say about your lucky number this year. Predictions so conclusive and plausible detailed as 2012 Numerology Horoscope.

For believe it or not every human being is controlled by a lucky number. That’s exactly what 2012 Numerology Horoscope does .Spells out your fortune for the year ahead based on your lucky number. Check out yours and gear up for the 2012

If you do not know your lucky number, please visit - Numerology Calculator.

Numerology Lucky Number - 1 (One)

This year will be a new beginning for you on the professional as well as personal front. You will waste your precious time if will hold on to your past which is no longer required and been an obstacle for the potential growths. Not an easy year, but a rewarding one. Being impulsive and headstrong will do no good for you on the contrary it will hamper your relationship with others. Advised to keep your cool in public appearances. By the end of this year you will notice your calibre to open the way to new opportunities.

Financially time is to clear up any loose ends from the previous year's/projects and plant new seeds of, these seeds will one day blossom into what you've dreamed. Maintain a diary of your ideas this year, either how to improve your business or current undertakings, or for new tasks you'd like to undertake. Take this time as planning yearn for whatever you would like to see flourish in the coming years. By the end of the year you will struggle to stable the monetarily flow.In the beginning of the year some difficult decisions are waiting for you to decide. There are many opportunities this year to cut ties with your past, and this year is one of them. Do utilize these opportunities and else this recurring feeling might bring an emotional breakdown, the culmination of feelings you had previously stuffed down and denied, but it will bring a cleansing of your soul. Your life will be very much changed, ofcourse in a good way, by the end of the first month. But the transition is more difficult if you are in denial, avoiding change, clinging to the past, or resisting the natural flow. Remain flexible and this year will set the course for the potent make-over your life will surely be receiving this year.

Year will take you move forward in your life and you will make some wonderful decisions in personal and financial aspects. Some of you might get settled with your partner either get married or start afresh with a serious and healthy relationship. Lots of dedicated hard work, perseverance and passion will be required of you this year. You must persist despite setbacks, obstacles, and idleness if you want to make the best of this year.

Numerology Lucky Number - 2 (Two)

Your art of dealing with others and handling relationships will affect your graph of happiness and success. You will be climbing the graph of success quietly this year and meet delays patiently. It is time to cooperate with circumstances, even if you do not feel that things are moving as quickly as you would like them to. You might get to meet new friends, new partnerships, new study and new spirituality. This year you will need compassion, tolerance, and understanding. Slower pace will buy time for you to rest more and renew energies. Towards the end seek new arrangements, new living conditions and new agreements.

Your emotional competence might get shaked up and you may find yourself being more sensitive than usual, in one regard you are taking things too personally and being too hard on yourself, and in the other you find yourself being more empathetic and understanding of other people. Disappointment is one feeling you will hooked on to since a lot of the gusto you felt last year is suddenly nowhere to be found. There will be setback, delays, and flaws in your plans will be pointed out and need attention. These hindrances will make your year a bit difficult but just know that only when you have laid the best/strongest foundation you can, will you achieve greatness. Spending time with family and friend will be a mood-booster, and this is a great time to join a new group or take classes. Your lesson of the year is about learning to cooperate, and the general give and take of working as a team instead of forcing your will. Important year in the aspect of relationships as it focuses on communication, understanding, and working together. You might also find your soul mate so deeply examine every person you get to meet.

It appears as though you overspent during the holiday season and will be feeling the side effects during the beginning of the year. 2011 is not likely to be financially successful until later in the year, it would be better for you to focus on internal work, emotional healing, and relationships this year to reap the most benefits. The year, for the most part, is likely to feel slow-moving and will have many emotional ups and downs. February will be one of the best for relationships, marriage/proposals are possible or meeting that special someone. For those who are already attached there is a wonderful rekindling of romance, creating an ending of bad/difficult times. There will be arguing or having the “big talks” which either concern a lack of honest communication or financial woe. Overall the first few years are probably going to be uncomfortable as you begin to let down your guard to let wonderful things in, or to discuss the deep-seeded problems. It will feel both positive AND negative, but overall your relationship (and you) will be better for it.

Things will go pretty steady in terms of finance and would pace up by the end of the year your good communication and tendency to tackle with setbacks will help you to cope up with the down falls in the venture.

Numerology Lucky Number - 3 (Three)

Apparently this year is going to be the happiest year of all. Your charm is at its peak and you can develop your dreams. But this year will demand for emotional competence as well, where relationships are concerned and you must try to not be overly emotional. Being expressive will improve your relationship with your dear ones and year is favourable for you to indulge in to more parties and activate social life. This year will certainly culminate with ample happiness and satisfying relationships. Let your imaginations go free and paint everything around with your thoughts.

Be prepared to feel creative and excited again. Turmoil you felt in the past year will seem almost silly this year as you begin to feel recharged and ready to conquer. This feeling of creativity will fuel you up and get your projects moving again. You will find yourself indulge in many public gatherings and parties, lots of occasions to celebrate and lots of people coming and going. Be ready to face a bit of drama here or there.

If you really want to progress on the professional front, you have to trust on your plans and start working on it as soon as you can else you will waste all your precious time in thinking about what to do what to not, nothing will happen if you never try. You need to take care of yourself in rest and retreat. Things will be speeding up and a transformation will take place. Embrace the new changes in your life by rearranging furniture or beautifying your. It helps to redirect the energy flow in your home to assist you in a time of transition.

People around you might hold you back be patient and follow your intuition and sound judgment. There will be many emotional ups and downs this year, which may be due to outside influences or may be your own tendency to see the glass as half empty or hopeless. There will be a lot of one step forward and two steps back, chaos with loved ones, and potentials for infidelity (three is a crowd) or self-deprecating habits. If you can remain positive and hopeful, while being playful but not overindulging the senses, you will have a wonderful and creative year. Spend time with people who are positive and upbeat, get plenty of exercise, and use emotional turmoil to create something beautiful.

Numerology Lucky Number - 4 (Four)

This year is going to be practical and a year for the evaluation of material things. A well managed schedule is required. Your indecisive nature can become a hurdle in achieving your goals, it is advised to stick to things and accomplish ambition. This is a favourable time to put the ideas into concrete form. The more you save this year more you will be building resources for future security. But the other side is there would be more work than play this year. Care free nature will do no good, accept responsibility. Leaving everything on luck will not be a good idea.

Hard work and focus is required to achieve your pre decided goals. You had a whale of time last year, now this is the year to put all your creativity and endeavour together in order to secure you're upcoming years. Certainly there will be obstacles to overcome, but remain determined. This year will test your will and your strength, so get organized, and focused.

If you are in relationship be aware of a domineering tendency from you or your partner, but overall this year signifies a healthy union between masculine and feminine, and would likely be a very fertile time.

Highly creative time; strongly suggest surrounding yourself with the arts, or trying some yourself. You must be patient during this time; you are trying to unite two opposite things to make them work as one. This could give you a strong upper hand in the workplace, or a wonderful relationship. Little arguments with mate are part of life so don't make it a big issue between you people.

You might face some failure of your well-laid plans or ideas, but in a positive way. This failure will make you see the world in a new light. You will start identifying your good and bad friends. After the fiasco you will be touching the new heights of success. Reap the benefits of your hard work. By the middle of the year the excitement of a new undertaking, try not to jump on an opportunity without first giving it careful consideration; trust your intuition.

Numerology Lucky Number - 5 (Five)

Enjoy this state of independence this year as there will be more freedom in your life this time, but also an inner restlessness and something pushing from within to make life changes. Apparently you will be travelling a lot this year for both business and personal reasons. Be prepared for the unexpected and unusual. Progress is on your cards. Do not act in haste, this action might hamper your growth. This is a time for new study, new friends, and the old and outworn being replaced by the new.

The year will be of events and it will be happening in every sense. You will get to travel rapidly but you will have to balance other aspects of professional and personal life as well. The movements will not only be restricted to professional life but will also transcend to personal affairs. While these shifts and movements are on you will have to ensure that your efforts are focused and dedicated. At the beginning of the year you might face a dull situation wherein you feel that your are stuck at cross roads however as the year gradually proceeds you can easily locate and keep things in order. You will have movement and a clear direction by the end of the year. You might have to handle situations which you were planning to avoid since long because of some reason or the other. But you will have to watch your step on the financial front and spend reasonably.

Towards the middle of the year you might feel a bit restless. Reasons will be events around however I will take some time for you to identify them there after you will tend to see things falling in proper order and life getting back on track in lively sense. It is advisable that you spend time introspecting since events lined up this year would require the same. Just go with the flow and don't try to make unnecessary efforts in resolving issue which will eventually get sorted out.

Numerology Lucky Number - 6 (Six)

The beginning of this year is a good time for you to start new relationships and burry the past ones. There is no point living with the same as life moves on. Interestingly this year is favourable for marriage, love, relationships, and service to others. You will have to take over responsibility towards the loved ones and those who are close to you otherwise.

As the starts up you will get busy with people around coming gradually and slowly. A lot of get together in store. Family, friends and relative will keep you busy and you might have a nice time with them. This year focuses on home, family, and creative efforts.Try and spare some time and invest the same in something artistic and creative. That might simply hone a hidden skill.

A portion of the year in the first quarter might make you land in a situation wherein you are supposed to make a tough choice however you will come across the solution in the same quarter as well. The mid of the year is charecterised by mixed emotions of fairness, hatred, crisis, struggle etc.

Its possible that some old relationship might see an end but there will be fresh beginning as well. It would not have been proper if such loads were carried forward. There will be mixed feeling of indecisiveness but you will have to look for a reason and solution. Pregnancy is also possible towards the end and you will have to spare time to balance time, routine and energy for yourself and the new one.

Numerology Lucky Number - 7 (Seven)

The beginning of the year will make you come across several situations which might seem a bit complicated both on the personal and professional front. You might come across a new opening or some new job opportunity might knock the door. You will have to take a reasoned decision and subsequent events in the first quarter will train you for the same. On the personal front you might have to handle a strained relationship which is overdue.

Events towards the middle of the year might give you and insight about how to go about things. You come across of new people in both walks of life. Interactions with them would throw new ideas. You come in touch with fresh blood in third quarter and the same shows a new approach towards handling things. Towards the end you will have to ensure that you invest smartly because funds would be flowing in and you need to make reasoned decision.

Overall the year would be an enriching one. Events will keep you busy and that too in the meaningful sense in as much as you will form a chain of driving to solutions through various problems. A bit of attention would make you realize that you have reasons existing around you only and that you don't need to seek outer advise. Maintain calm and you will be happy by the end of the year in every sense.

Numerology Lucky Number - 8 (Eight)

Your sense for the family and responsibility will evoke this year. You will devote your time and energy to mend the mistakes you made long back in the past. By the middle of the year you will find yourself indulge in social services financially as well as physically. This is the time for you to heal and forgive, engulf yourself nobly and munificently in every walk of life. You are rich in terms of bonding with friends and people you love; almost everybody who knows you adores you and you know it very well. There are slight chances of getting into legal affairs. You will be financially sound this year. However romance is shaky. Watch your words, selection of words should be wise and don't mess up with the promises you made.

Though towards the middle of the year you will realize that much awaited increments and dues have started flowing but still you will tend to get bothered even more. You will have to apply mind properly to see that funds that flow in are parked in a meaningful manner. The end of third quarter would bring in some stability in as much as managing finances are concerned.

The year marks stain of several things. Initially a cluttered mind would find peace in the second and third month. Thereafter finances will keep you busy for a while. Then family issues and relationships will started occupying mind but they will gradually settle down by the end of third quarter. By then end of the year an assessment would reveal that you are a contended man who has at least learnt to balance out priorities and take small but firm steps.

Numerology Lucky Number - 9 (Nine)

Don't hold on the miss happenings of your life let it go. Try to think it is clearing the way for future opportunities. Indeed this won't be a easy year, and not a time to start new things. Stick to your current schedule be it personal or be it professional, in the end you will start gaining. But towards the end you will come across some major changes. However, change comes suddenly and often it is not in your control. Being sensitive will do no good this year. Keep busy and be generous in your thoughts and feelings. As you step in the second quarter you will have to understand that an easier way of settling issues and problems that arise is that you let things go off. Turning a deaf ear to problems gives birth to solutions sometimes and therefore its good.. you can't stand by everyone and that you will have to set your priorities right is the lesson that the third quarter teach you. Striking the right balance in personal life is necessary for mental peace otherwise your mind is occupied with unnecessary stuffs.

This year is a time of renewing your self and your life in every sense. It would include shedding the old and making way for a new opportunity. The beginning of second half of the year is important and July is huge for you this year which will be the peak of your transformation. Though there will be phases of emotions but in the end it is all towards a positive end. Follow your intuition and you will gradually realize that the path you are treading is the sensible one. Old relationships might get revived and friends might revisit in the hour of need and that will strengthen your belief that it is never too late for things to fall in order. It is just that this year will make you face contrasting situations. You will have to make out the hidden context which will be in your eventual interest.


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